Teaching One Another

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Song: Te Vaka - Logo Te Pate


Malie was sitting on the boat relaxing as she waited for her friends to come back. Malie began to worry. They've been gone for a while. They should've been back by now. Malie wishes she could help them, but Lalotai is a dangerous place. But she can't enter it because mermaids are forbidden to enter that realm. Monsters would use mermaids as good-luck charms. Mermaids bring great fortune and happiness for the one who possesses them if they could get one. Malie glanced over to Heihei; he was pecking at the pole of the boat. She stared at the chicken in confusion. She will never understand what is wrong with that chicken. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the ocean rumble.

Turning around, she saw her friends exploding out of the water. Malie gasps in surprise and watches them with wide eyes as her friends fall from the sky. Maui was able to grab his fishhook in midair, but it made him transform randomly. He turned into a pig, a fish, and then an iguana. The two dragons grab their riders while Keoni saves Pōkole. They crashed to the water, except for Maui because the Demigod crashed onto the sand. Quickly, Malie dives in the water and swam over to her friends. She came near the edge of the water before helping Moana up her feet. Moana was soaking wet like the others, except Maui since he landed on the sand.

"Are you alright?" Malie asked worriedly.

Moana nodded, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through her. Moana stood up and looked around. She saw that everyone made it out alive and in one piece. Moana grins happily. Her plan worked!

"We're alive...we're ali-AAAAHHHH!" Moana suddenly yelled out.

Everyone was confused by Moana's sudden scream. They followed her gaze to the direction where she was looking and soon their eyes widened in surprise and shock. Makaio had his jaw dropped while Aliikai was holding her laugh, finding the scene amusing. Maui shapeshifting turned him into a...strange creature. His upper body has the shark's head and fins while his lower part was his human legs. They stare at him strangely while Maui, who doesn't know that he has a shark head, looks at them.

 They stare at him strangely while Maui, who doesn't know that he has a shark head, looks at them

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"Listen...I appreciate what you two did down there." He began. Moana nodded her head and hummed out 'Mm-hmm', trying to ignore his shark head, but it was hard to focus. Keoni just gave him a strange look, finding this disturbing yet amusing at the same time.

"Took guts, but...I'm sorry. I'm tryin' to be sincere for once, and it feels you guys are distracted." Maui pointed out.

"No, no, no way." Moana lies as she waves him off.

"Really? 'Cause you all looking at me like I have a-" Maui gasps when he sees a shark fin instead of his hand, he touches his upper body and sighs in annoyance when he realizes what's wrong. "-Shark head."

Moana chuckles nervously. "Do you have a shark head? Does he have a shark head?" She turns to her friends, earning shrugs from them. "'Cause we-"

Maui cuts her off as he continues. "Look, the point is, for a little girl and boy, children, things, whatever..." Maui kicked a pebble away. "Who has no business being down there. You all did me a solid."

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