Help from a Mermaid

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The Vahloks' roars are like the dragons on Game of Thrones. They're the same height as Draco from the movie Dragon Heart.

 They're the same height as Draco from the movie Dragon Heart

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New Character:

Malie the Mermaid (pronounced Ma-LEE-ā): Ariana Grande.

Malie the Mermaid (pronounced Ma-LEE-ā): Ariana Grande

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"You've got to be kidding me!" Keoni exclaims as he sees the big boat of the Kakamoras.

Seeing the giant boat coming towards them, Moana tries to ask the ocean to help them, but Maui says that the ocean doesn't help you, you help yourself. The Demigod started giving out orders like tighten the halyard and bind the stays. However, Moana and Keoni didn't know how to sail, and because their ancestors stopped sailing, they were completely lost. Maui saw this and looked at them in disbelief.

"You two can't sail?!" Maui exclaims in annoyance and frustration.

Moana sheepishly smiles as she puts her hands on her back. "I...I am self-taught?"

"We would've still learned how to sail, if it wasn't for someone who stole the heart and ruined the world in the first place!" Keoni glares at Maui.

Maui glares back at Keoni. "Well,'ll think of something!" Maui said, thinking of a comeback to Keoni.

Aliikai and the water dragon hissed at the Kakamora as fishbone-like spears were fired at them. The spears landed at the pole of the sail and on the floor and one nearly hit Heihei. And the chicken started pecking at it. They noticed that the spears had ropes attached to them and that's when they realized what spears with ropes are for. The boat started being pulled towards the Kakamoras' boat. Keoni, Moana, and Maui saw this as they started pulling the spears off their boat.

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