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Song: I'm Shiny!


The boat made contact on a sandy shore. It shook a bit, and it woke Moana, who was seen sleeping on the floor of the boat. She woke up and saw that she was on land. Moana couldn't help but stare in shock, thinking that they somehow got to the island that they needed to be.

"We're here?" She whispers before she smiles as she gets up. "Guys! We're here!"

However, when Moana gets on the small island, she sees where she and the others were, and it makes her feel shocked to see the big island right in front of her.

It was Motunui.

"Motunui?" Moana mutters as puts her hand on a palm tree. "I-I'm home?"

Suddenly, the tree started to wither in ash. Moana gasps as she lets go of the tree quickly. The tree turns into ash and fades away. Moana stared in shock and horror at the sight before her. The darkness was consuming her home!


Moana heard her father's voice from the island, he sounded scared. Moana looks at Motunui and to her horror, the darkness was consuming it.

"Dad!?" Moana yelled.

"Moana!" Came Sina's voice.


Moana saw her parents running out from the undergrowth, calling out her name. She watched in horror as her parents struggled to escape the darkness. Moana couldn't do anything but watch in shock and fear as her parents were consumed by the darkness, followed by Aliikai's roar.



Moana snaps open her eyes as she lets out a gasp. This woke up Aliikai and Malie, startled from Moana's wake up call. Aliikai looks at her sister and notices the fear in Moana's eyes. This caused Aliikai to worry for Moana as she gently nuzzles her sister, comforting her the best way she can. Moana smiles at Aliikai as she gently pats her neck.

"Thanks, Ali. I'm alright now." Moana whispers.

"Bad dream?"

Moana turns to see Keoni was right beside her. He was concerned when he saw Moana's frightened state. He has been like that since they were young. Keoni cares deeply about Moana. Moana just smiled and nodded her head.

"Yeah, a really bad dream." She mutters a bit scared.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Keoni asked with concern.

Moana shook her head. "I'm fine, Keoni, we should think about saving our home." Moana said. Keoni just looked at her, he knew that the dream was bothering her, but he knew that Moana needed time to think about it. Moana then noticed that Maui was no longer paralysed as he was steering the boat.

"Enjoy your beauty rest?" Maui asked Moana as he guided the boat to their destination. "You know a real wayfinder, never sleeps, so they actually get what they need to go." He said smugly.

Keoni gave a blank face to Maui before pointing at Makaio, who was swimming beside them. Makaio glares at Maui. He was the one who's been pulling the boat towards their destination while Keoni kept watching. All Maui did was sleep until his paralysis wore off. Maui ignores the dragon before a shadow loom under them. Maui placed one of his hands on his hip as he looked up ahead with a grin.

"Muscle up buttercups, we're here." Maui announced.

They all turn towards the shadow and gasp in shock. They saw a tall isolated rocky mountain that reached to the sky. Maui guides the boat to land and easily stops it while Keoni ties a rope on a rock to prevent it from floating away.

Moana and Her Night FuryWhere stories live. Discover now