Chapter One

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The Assassin and the School Boys!

Please give me your absolute honest opinion of what you think of the book. Remember I only just started. If you could tell me what I could improve on that would be great.

I hope you enjoy.

: ) 


Chapter One.                                                                                                     Elizabeth's Picture

I walked through the corridor with confidence I knew I could kill anyone here in a heartbeat and they wouldn’t even see me coming. I made sure my butterfly knife was in a easy to reach place before walking down another corridor. I nodded to the two security guards standing on ever side of the door they might be a little hard I thought to myself. I walked through the door without bothering to knock knowing that it would piss Jed off which was me goal. Jed sat behind his big desk and just as I predicted when he looked up he was pissed. “Why the hell don’t you knock?” he shouted running his hand through his black hair.

 To anyone else Jed was attractive black messy hair, deep brown eyes, broad backed, bronze colored skin, tall with a whole lot of muscles but to me he was just the boss a man he mad my life hard. I hated his guts and would slash his throat in a heart beat if he wasn’t blackmailing me and the gorilla like bodyguards just outside the door.

 “Because you hate it, when I don’t.” I stated simply pulling a chair up and placing my blood clogged boots on his perfecting clean antique table knowing it would piss him off. But it didn’t instead it gave him a great view of my legs which his gaze moved up hungrily even though they were covered in blood, making me want to throw the chair I was sitting on, in his face.

 “What the hell were you thinking you left fingerprints at the scene, you even waited out front for the police, you let them take you down to the damn police station, you showed them the file, you broke about 100 rules. Do you even know how many strings I had to pull to get you out of that holding cell? You confessed to killing him, what the hell were you thinking?” he shouted standing up he hadn’t been this angry since the time I drove his car into a lake, beat up three other agents landing them in the hospital and got drunk telling the police I was a assassin. That had been one damn great day that was until I got punished.

 “Whoa calm down if it wasn’t for me everyone would still think the target was a innocent family man instead of a abducting rapist who found it fun to torture girls the same age as his daughter.” I shouted. I had done the right thing now the whole world knew what kind of monster the target was, I might have ruined his daughter’s image of him but that was collateral damage.

 “Elizabeth I have strictly told you before that you follow orders or else there are consequences. I also wouldn’t mind seeing a little more respect from you.” Jed shouted his voice cold but I saw a hint of a smile he wanted to punish me. He hated me nearly as much as I hated him. I grabbed the handle of my knife ready if he made a move.

 I jumped up from the chair when I heard him say the word respect nearly making me laugh. “Respect you, you have got be kidding me the only respect you deserve is when it comes to who files the paperwork neatly.” I said laughing. 

“I saved you from your lousy excuse of a life and made you what you are today someone worthy.” He shouted back, unconsciously I felt my hand climb to my chest where I knew there were scars of beatings and torture from my past greeted me.

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