Chapter Nine

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The Assassin and the School Boys!


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Chapter Nine.                                                                                      Christians’ Picture

Well it seems teachers don’t like students that are late. “Are you the new student?” The teacher asked she wore glasses that sat crookedly on her nose her hair was tied back in a tight bun she looked more like a history teacher then a cooking teacher.

“Yeah you know anyone else who is new.” I said as if she had asked the most stupidest question in history.

The whole damn class was looking at me, it looked like they were in pairs each standing at a table which was equipped with a small stove top, sink, a mini microwave, ingredients and utensils. I knew Christian was taking this class probably as a blow off. I knew this since I had memorized all the guys schedules so I knew where they were at each point of the day.

He stood at the back leaning against a wall looking at me as if I was an idiot. “I will not have disrespectful students in my class.” The teacher said while giving me a pointed look behind her massive classes which seemed to magnify the size of her tiny bug like eyes.

“Okay so can I go, I’m really not into the respect thing unless someone earns it.” I said pointing my body towards the door.

“Do you want detention?” She growled as if trying to threaten me but the truth was I handle threats everyday and hers wasn’t even close to good.

“Not really I mean it would be a waste of both our time.” I said the conversation was really starting to bore me.

“Do you want to meet me after class and we can talk this out.” She said a voice going high and squeaky.

“No offense but your not my type I don’t go for old or women for that matter.” I said hearing some giggles run throughout the room. I gave her a genuine smile as her face turned to shock I bet she could keep most students under control.

“That is it you have earnt yourself a weeks detention.” She shouted letting her angry get the best of her.

“Yeah well I might not turn up.” I said shrugging.

“Would you like me to talk to your parents?” She said smiling maybe if my father was a live I would be scared of that threat but I couldn’t care less now.

“Can’t their dead.” I said simply. Her smile faltered for a minute.

“Take your seat now.” She shouted I think she run out of threats.

“Whatever.” I said as I walked past her.

I walked all the way to the back row and into the far left corner were the supply closet was and where the knives where. I had always like knives better then guns. I mean guns seemed to be cheating with one well aimed shot someone was dead but with a knife it was fare you had to fight hand to hand which made it that much more exciting.

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