Chapter Six.

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The Assassin and the School Boys!

Okay I’m sorry who ever is reading that I haven’t been uploading I had exams and my laptop was used as blackmail to make me study. Only just got it back, oh and I hope you like this chapter.

Hope you enjoy.

: )


Chapter Six.                                                                                                                  Jake’s Picture

Elizabeth’s POV

Finally after a lot of stairs and a lot of staring I had got to my new room, great. Using the small key which I knew I was going to lose soon, I opened the door and did not like what I could see. “What the fuck is this?” I yelled not able to keep my anger in the happy mood I had was now long gone.

There was a half eaten sandwich that looked like it was growing a new sandwich on top of it and that sandwich was green. There were clothes on the floor a bra on the floor from a girl, CDs, books, shoes and anything else you can think of on the floor the bed which I was meant to be sleeping on was situated alone right up against the wall away from the other it looked like it had been a dumping ground since you couldn’t even see the covers or pillow that was how much stuff was on it. I guess it was time for some spring cleaning.

“Aaron any chance you could bring me a few large rubbish bags?” I asked sweetly while contemplating where I could hide some guns in the room.

“Um sure why?” He asked looking worried.

“Just do it.” I sorted while looking through the CDs for anything I could keep.

Aaron left the room turning into another door probably leading to a kitchen. I would have to learn the layout later. I slowly walked the span of the room memorizing every piece of furniture and how many steps it took  would need to know if I had to fight in the dark.

Aaron came back with a confused look as he saw me slowly stepping around the room but I couldn’t care less if he thought I was crazy let him think what he wants.

Grabbing one bag off him, I started grabbing clothe, books, CDs and womens clothing off the floor and threw tem in the bag it seemed that the school boys were a little horny. Next I moved to the bed which was meant to be mine and pulled everything off and throwing it in the bag and everything around the bed. After I was done the room was clean and there was 4 huge rubbish bags full and a speechless Aaron who was just standing there opened mouthed.

I surveyed my work I had chucked everything off the floor, the bed and everything that was in the draw that I had claimed as my own in the rubbish bag. I had also managed to find some black tape, which I had used to make a black square around my bed, showing where my area was.

 I remembered doing this for Grace and Katie they had been fighting about which part of the room was who’s in the end I had just split the room with black tape, I had come back an hour later to see the tape gone and Grace, Katie and Cameron playing hide and seek. Katie was the best at finding good hiding spots and Grace was the best at finding everyone Cameron was just not good at the game.

“Well Aaron I’m going to have a shower you can leave if you want.” I said and without waiting for an answer I left the room dragging the damn pink suitcase behind me. I planned to shoot it and then cut it to bits and send the scraps to Jed as a present I wonder if he will like it.

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