Chaper Twelve

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The Assassin and the School Boys!

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Chapter Twelve                        

Elizabeth’s POV

I ran into their room their screams piercing my ears like thousands of hot needles being pushed into my ears. A man stood cloaked in black from head to toe, holding Katie a knife held hard against her throat, hard enough that a bead of blood ran down her neck. Grace sat huddled against the wall screaming as she watched her sister be threatened with a knife. Katie made no sound, she was frozen with fear her eyes finding mine, displaying one feeling fear. Throwing what I held at Grace, I faced off Katie’s attacker. Reaching for the gun concealed under my coat Katie screamed as the man pressed the knife harder, producing a thick line of oozing blood. I immediately dropped my hand assessing the threat; I should have learnt by now never underestimate your enemies.

The world seemed to have stopped the only people left in existence was Katie close to death, the man threatening her life, Grace silently whimpering and myself in an offensive stance ready to pounce on my prey. I didn’t take notice of the gun fight outside the bedroom door, Cameron inches away from losing his life.

I stood still waiting for the intruder to make a move, he made none instead he stared at me his eyes lifeless. I was the first to crack; acting impulsively I lashed out running towards my daughter. Grabbing the man’s arm I yanked hard hearing the unmistakeable sound of muscle tearing, the man yelled out in pain letting go of Katie to cradle his arm. Pushing Katie to the ground in her sister’s direction I advanced on the man who was now slowly backing away. Pulling the butterfly knife out from my boot I grabbed the front of his shirt, my mistake. The moment I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me he used the momentum to strike my head with his own.

Letting go, I staggered back my vision partially blurry. It was his turn to make a move as he moved towards me, still cradling his arm. An animal rage on his face he threw back his good arm and hit me, his hand making contact with my left eye. Still off balanced from the head-butt I fell against the pale blue wall smacking my head hard. Looking down on me he spat, I waited for the finishing blow to knock me out. I had been impulsive, I was the best yet I had let my emotions cloud my judgement, I could have one this fight.

The blow didn’t come instead he staggered his way toward Katie and Grace his arm hanging limply. Turning my head to the side I watched as he inched closer and closer to Katie and Grace backing them into a corner. Katie sat huddled in the corner holding her throat, Grace had snapped out of her fear and she stood in front of Katie her arms spread protectively between the man and her sister. Groaning I slid up the wall, pushing off the wall I felt the back of my throbbing head coming in contact with a wet, sticky substance, blood.

A scream pierced the room, the scream a catalyst for recovery I shook my head as if one single movement I could shake off the injuries and the concussion. Again a scream filled the room echoing off the pale blue walls. Looking at the scene in front of me it was a quick treatment, the man held Grace by the throat ready to extinguish her life, like you blow out a candle. I immediately jumped on the man’s back, wrapping my legs around his tree trunk waist. Bringing my hand to his face I found his eyes and clawed. One of the most unprotected parts of the human body is the eyes.

Screaming the man let go of Grace grasping for me his hands grabbing my clothes , trying to get a hand hold to throw me off. I held on tighter pushing my nails in. Bearing my teeth I screamed not out of physical pain but emotional. I wasn’t an emotional person but when it came to my angels I was, extremely. Dropping off his back I swept my leg around in a low roundhouse, striking his feet with enough strength that I could heard a bone crack. Falling to the floor on his knees, I grabbed my knife from my belt and grabbed his hair pulling his head up. Looking in front of me as I could see Grace and Katie cowering into the wall hoping it would swallow them up then and there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2012 ⏰

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