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Third person pov

Heejung, a thirty-two-year-old man, waiting outside of the Labour ward, walking like a curious cat, with worried emotions. His wife shouts in pain. Her loud whines mix with the rain sound.

Heejung is an alpha male. His wife was a beta who was now having her delivery. Heejung believes the baby gonna be a girl. Both he and his wife want a beta girl. Still, they decide names for 2 genders anyway. If it's a girl they planned to name her Jimin. If it's a boy they planned to name him Jisung. But who knows fate's plan?

Soon the Labour ward door opened revealing a nurse with a newborn boy in her hand. She gave the baby to his dad with a hesitant look.

"Aww my baby. Me and your mom are lucky to get you my dear" Heejung cooed to his son, Who had chubby cheeks which was pink because of crying. The baby resembles the structure of a squirrel.

"Sir" the nurse called the alpha with a nervous voice.

"Oh thank you for helping my wife. Can I see her?" The alpha asked in excitement.

"Your wife..." the nurse hesitated.

"What happened to my wife?" The alpha's voice gets more raspy, gripping the baby a little tightly.

"She died during giving birth to your son sir," the nurse said with a weak tone.

Heejung's voice stuck in his throat. He handed his son to the nurse and rushed to his dead wife.

He got into the labor ward, and his wife's body was lying lifelessly.

"Sorry sir. We tried to save her but she lost a lot amount of blood" the doctor said, getting the baby from the nurse who just got into the ward following the alpha.

"I know it's a tough situation for you, Mr. Han, still we have to do the procedures right?" The doctor said gaining a little nod from the alpha who was crying while looking at his wife.

"What do you want to name your son?"

"Jisung. HAN JISUNG"

"That's a nice name mr. han. can you hold the baby for a minute? So that I can get the papers" the doctor said.

Heejung looked at his newborn child. He doesn't want to hold him. He doesn't want to hold the baby who killed his beloved wife even tho he is his son.

"Please lay him in the crib doctor," he said and sat next to his wife holding her hands. They wanted to have a baby and spend their lifetime with it forever. She wants to travel to a lot of places with her family. She wanted to buy a lot of cute things for her child but she is no longer there to fulfill her wishes. In Heejung's point of view, it's Jisung who killed his wife.

Heejung looked at his sleeping son in the crib and said,"I never going to love you. You killed my only love. You are going to deserve for your sins" he wiped his tears.

Will Jisung be able to live in this universe? Or will he give up like the past one? 

Will Jisung be able to live in this universe? Or will he give up like the past one? 

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Ignore the typos🤗

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