Not All Right.

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*AN - For those of you following the soundtrack to this book, I've chosen Freak On A Leash By Korn - boom! *

Elsa was outside in a split second, not caring if anyone saw her move so fast. The street outside was deserted but Elsa could hear Kate’s screams around the corner and was horrified to find her friend hunched over Sebastian’s inert form on the ground. She could smell his blood and see the dark wet sheen on his black shirt and her world began to spin. Kneeling at his side, Elsa opened his shirt and placed her hands over what were clearly two gunshot wounds, close together right above his heart. She could hear his heart struggling but it was still beating and his blood pulsed from the wounds, seeping through her fingers with every beat his heart gave. Kate’s screams faded into the background, there was only Sebastian.

Elsa had moved fast, her actions a blur but to her it felt like time had slowed down to crawl. The air had become thick and every movement she made felt like she was moving under water, pushing against an invisible force that wouldn’t let her move fast enough. She would carry them both, she could do it, she wouldn’t be able to move quite as fast but she could do it.

“Elsa,” his voice was weak and he was trying to move his arm but couldn’t, “I will be fine – Kate.”

Elsa was momentarily confused but then it hit her. Sebastian had tried time and time again to kill himself. He couldn’t die. He would be fine eventually. Despite that knowledge, the fact that he was lying bleeding on the pavement was still causing her indescribable fear and pain. Her head was telling her he would be okay, her heart was screaming in agony and she realised tears were streaming down her face.

“Kate,” Sebastian repeated, his eyes driving his point home. Elsa finally began to take the whole scene in. Hardly a moment had passed but Sebastian was right, there was no time to waste. Something had gone wrong, someone knew they were trying to get away with Kate and Sebastian had been shot. Elsa could see no assailant and she needed to get Kate to safety.

“Did you see who did this?” she asked Sebastian urgently.

“Sniper. Don’t know where it came from, you need to go. I can’t move yet.”

“I can carry you too.”

“Faster without me.” Elsa knew he was right.

“We need an ambulance!” Kate was shaking, clearly terrified and trying desperately to steady her hands enough to call for help on her phone. Elsa grabbed her hands.

“No!” Sebastian managed.

“No! Kate, no, look at me.” Elsa said sharply. Kate’s eyes were wild and wide but they fixed on Elsa’s immediately, “You are calm, everything is going to be ok, we don’t need an ambulance but we do need to leave, do you understand?”

Kate nodded, her breathing calming and her shudders subsiding. Elsa turned back to Sebastian, she hated to leave him like this but she knew she had to. She leaned down, her mouth close to his ear, “I’ll come back for you,” she said through fresh tears, “I lo-“

Elsa felt a thud against her back that threw her onto the pavement next to Sebastian and provoked fresh screams from Kate who backed herself against the wall in terror, her arms wrapped protectively over her head. Elsa’s vampire senses could feel every part of what was happening in the minutest detail. The bullet that had torn through her back nicked her spine, which changed it’s trajectory slightly and sent it through her left lung, shattering a few ribs before it exited through the front of her chest. She felt the skin explode as the bullet left her body, she felt her skull crack as her head hit the pavement and she felt the steady flow of blood oozing out of her chest. She felt something else too, she felt the heat of a chemical substance from the bullet begin to spread quickly and she realised that despite her strength, she was not going to be getting up from this gunshot. She couldn’t move and she knew that the same thing must have happened to Sebastian. It was no normal bullet, there was a definite plan behind what was happening and there was now absolutely nothing she could do about it.

So when Aiden sauntered around the corner and crouched beside them smiling triumphantly, Elsa couldn’t tear his throat out like she wanted to. When hands picked her up roughly and bundled her into a van with a hysterical Kate, she couldn’t throw her captors across the street, grab Kate and run faster than any human could ever hope to follow. And when she saw the anguish on Sebastian’s face, the faint amber glow in his eyes and the strain of his muscles as he tried desperately to move his body, and heard the agonized roar he let out as the van doors closed, she couldn’t call out to him and tell him she would be all right. She was not all right. Nothing was all right.

*AN -  A short one I know but that's because everything in the scene happens in a matter of seconds.  Stick with it guys, the drama is not over yet! Vincents plan is unfolding and there are surprises to come :) Keep those votes and comments coming, you are all wonderful!*

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