Black Heart

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*AN – The track for this chapter is Feuer Frei by Rammstein :) *

“I’ll admit,” Vincent continued to speak as Elsa tenderly placed Sebastian back on the floor and stood to face him, “I underestimated you, it seems your boyfriend has quite an effect on you.”

“I’m going to kill you now,” Elsa said calmly, without moving as he approached.

Vincent laughed, “You really believe that don’t you?” he said, “You really think you can kill me. ME!” The last word was delivered with terrifying venom and with that he had Elsa by the throat, pinned against the wall, his long fingernails digging into her pale skin, sending tiny rivulets of blood running down her neck.

She wasn’t afraid. She pictured her mother in her mind, the clearest picture she’d ever been able to conjure. Alongside her, Elsa placed Sebastian, Kate, her father, Katherine ... all the people she was going to do this for.

She reached up and snapped Vincent’s arm as if it were a twig. He grimaced and released her, his arm hanging by his side for a split second before he stretched it out and Elsa heard the bones knit back together almost instantly.

“Is that the best you’ve got?” He laughed and came back at her, baring his fangs. They circled each other for a few seconds, each sizing the other up. Vincent had age on his side and Sebastian’s blood in his system. Elsa had Hesper’s formula and Sebastian’s blood with the heightened effect it seemed to have on her alone. She felt she could match Vincent; it was just a case of who would make the first move.

“You think his blood is going to help you?” Vincent asked as if he was reading her mind, “Only if you can keep it inside you!” He lunged forward, producing two daggers from his belt. He crossed them in front of him and then drew his arms out sharply to his sides, slicing across Elsa’s abdomen. She fell to her knees, blood gushing out onto the floor, her hands grasping at the deep slashes across her stomach, unable to stem the flow.

“I’ll bleed his strength straight out of you girl,” Vincent hissed, “You can’t win, I’ve told you before, I’m older and stronger than you.”

The wounds were already beginning to close but Elsa had lost a fair amount of blood. She could feel the effects of Sebastian’s blood had eased slightly but she was still strong. She allowed Vincent to get close to her and then jumped up, grabbing at one of the daggers. This caught Vincent slightly by surprise and she managed to release the dagger from his right hand, the blade cutting deep into her palm as she did so, spilling yet more blood onto the floor. She span the dagger in her hand to take hold of the hilt and flew around Vincent like a whirlwind making two deep cuts, one to his neck, one to his inner thigh. He gasped, her first cut had been slightly off target but still bled profusely, the second cut, to his leg, caught the main artery and blood began to spurt from the wound instantly. He recovered quickly, grabbed her arm and pulled hard, wrenching her shoulder from its socket. She barely registered the pain this time, her adrenaline was pumping hard but she knew that she would have to put it back in the socket herself to give it chance to heal and give her full use of the arm. She used her good arm to thrust a fist into the deep cut in Vincent’s leg, grasping at the flesh and tearing to open the wound further, increasing the steady, pulsing flow of blood. This time Vincent howled and threw her to the side, his injured leg failing him as he stumbled on the blood drenched floor.

Elsa jumped to her feet, her arm still out of joint. She was unable to stop Vincent pulling her into a headlock; his cuts were beginning to heal and the blood pumping from them slowed gradually. He squeezed hard, intent on tearing off Elsa’s head. She dropped to the floor heavily and twisted, releasing his lock then ran as hard as she could away from him and towards the wall, hitting it at an angle to knock her shoulder back into place before pushing back of the wall with her feet to back flip and land on Vincent, bringing the dagger down hard and straight into his right eye.

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