Tell Her Everything.

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*AN - the song for this chapter is No Sleep by The Cardigans*

“What do you mean the last one?” Elsa asked, “Sebastian can’t die, demons can, surely the immortality will have come from his mother?”

“Sebastian is not an angel and he is not a demon,” Marcus explained, “He is something else entirely and the normal laws of the supernatural don’t apply to him. Angels could die if they were weak enough.”

“What would have weakened her?”

“Angels were never meant to bear children Elsa, the attack by the demon, the pregnancy and the birth would have left her severely weakened. And angels had been dying off for years already.”

Elsa thought about what she understood angels to be, “Is there a God?” she asked, “A heaven?”

“I have no idea,” said Marcus, “The angels I am talking about are not the angels you will know from Bible stories. They are simply another type of supernatural being, an ancient race who were by nature good and pure. Maybe they were called angels because they resemble the beings from the Bible; maybe the angels in the Bible are a writers creation based on sightings of the sort of being we know angels to be.”

“Angels were very powerful at one time. They had the power to heal and they were considered guardians of the human race, protectors against demons and other threats. But the world, as we know, is not always a very nice place and it seemed that with every war, with every atrocity across the ages that humans could inflict on one another, angel’s powers became weaker and weaker. They became less and less able to defend themselves against demon attacks and there are unproven accounts of children being born as a result of a demon and angel union.”

Elsa seized on that piece of information, “You mean there could be other people out there like Sebastian?” she asked.

Marcus shook his head, “I suppose it is a remote possibility but all of the stories about such things happening,” he hesitated, “Elsa, they are horrific.”

“In what way?” Elsa didn’t understand what her father was getting at.

“The children were abominations, they are reported as tearing their way out of their mothers abdomens, of being hideously deformed and, if they survived, they were destroyed immediately.”

“Sebastian’s mother survived his birth, he appeared human,” Elsa said, “He didn’t show any of his demon side until he was about eighteen.”

“I can’t explain why he is different Elsa,” Marcus admitted, “Maybe the fact that he is more – normal – is actually a kind of birth defect. He should have been one of those awful creatures that feature in these old tales and he wasn’t. Maybe he’s an anomaly, a lucky accident of genetics.”

They were both quiet for a moment. Discovering what Sebastian was, finding out who his mother was, none of it bought them any closer to finding him.

“This does help us understand why Vincent was so happy to take him.” Marcus said finally, breaking the silence as if they’d continued the conversation in his head, “Vampires have long searched for hybrid creatures such as this, believing their blood to possess special powers. Your reaction to Sebastian’s blood has proven this and Vincent would never pass up an opportunity to increase his own power and that of his followers and his children.”

“His children?”

“When a vampire turns a human, that human is linked to them, dependent on them for support and teaching. The vampire has created a new vampire that they will nurture and teach in their own ways. We know what that means for Vincent.”

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