~ Chapter 66 ~

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Chapter 66
Saturday January 28th
Lennon's POV

"Momma I want to get a pancake"

"Okay bud" I nodded, turning my menu over to look at the backside of it.

Harry, the kids, and I are out for the morning at a little breakfast place. It's a small place that we've never been to before and wanted to try out. The Saturday crowd made it a little busier, but we fortunately ended up at a table towards the back for both Harry and the kids. The twins are at the age where everything goes into their mouths and they don't want to just sit contained, so they're quite distracting to eat with.

Right now I had Delia sitting in my lap as she slapped her hands on the table trying to get something in her reach, and Theo sat next to me in the booth. Opposite of me was Harry, who had one arm wrapped around Atticus stomach on his lap as he stared at the menu in deep thought about what he was going to get. It might be too early in the morning to think like this, but seeing him with the babies just does something to me.

"No, I want a waffle actually" Theo changed his mind.

"Okay" I nodded, still deciding what I wanted.

Despite the place being small, they still had a good number of options to choose from and I was so hungry that everything sounded delicious. Harry put his menu down, assumingly choosing what he wanted to eat already.


"Yeah teddy?"

"Should I get a pancake or a waffle?" Theo asked.

"You can get whichever one you want" I chuckled.

"I want both"

"Are you going to eat both?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, knowing that he isn't even going to finish one full meal, nevermind two.

"Yes" He answered, but his confidence waivered.

"Hmmm" I looked at him.

"We can share Theo" Harry chimed in to appease Theo. "I'll eat some of the waffle"

I was pretty sure he was only doing this so I would order both so Theo would be happy, so I just looked at him and chuckled. He whipped out his acting skills, pretending to be shocked and that he's done nothing, but we both knew better.

"We can take the leftovers home, it's fine" He shrugged. I was more so trying to avoid the extra cost, but we all know Harry doesn't care about any of that.

"Yay!" Theo cheered, moving on to coloring in his coloring book we had brought along.

"Your child is trying to eat the straw wrapper" Harry looked at me, speaking in the most monotone voice, alerting me of Lia's action. Sure enough, she had the wrapper grasped tightly between her tiny hands trying to suck on the paper.

"And yours is about to spill your drink on to your lap" I countered, Atticus's hands getting closer and closer to the glass cup on the table.

"And Theo is still in his pajamas" Harry remarked as a joke.

"Hey, he's both of ours" I reminded, taking all the blame off of me despite I was the one who got the kids out of the house this morning.

"Hm" Harry looked at Atticus, holding him face to face to him. "What do you think about this munchkin?"

Atticus kept his head turned to the side.

"He can't even be bothered to look at you" I laughed, then looked down and poked Lia's side. "What do you think Lia?"

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