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Pansy tells Y/n that her and Theo are boyfriend and girlfriend now and Y/n doesn't believe her when Pansy says Mattheo will ask next.

Word Count: 840

"Mattheo", I whine as he sits up on the bed. "You're warm I need you"

"Sorry love", he chuckles putting his shirt over his head.

"Nooooo", I whine again tugging on his shirt trying to pull him back to bed with me.

"Yessssss", he says bending down to kiss my cheek.

"Mattheo, please just five more minutes", I say seriously.

"No I'm sorry I have to get to class Y/n", he says now putting on his school robes.

"Since when do you care about class over me?", I ask with my best pouty face.

"Since never", he chuckles again this time placing a kiss on my lips.

I huff and stand up. "I'll see you in potions yeah?", he asks me as I walk out the door in just his t-shirt.

"Yeah", I smile at him as I shut the door.

I run back to my dorm all giddy and excited.

"Someone had a fun night", I look over to see Pansy sitting on her bed smirking looking me up and down.

"What are you doing here?", I ask.

"We decided not to take this class so we wouldn't have to wake up early remember?"

"Oh yeah..", I sigh. I literally loose my mind just thinking about him.

"So", she says leaning forward so she's on her stomach and her feet are behind her waving in the air. "Tell me everything"

"I don't think you want to know everything", I say with a smirk.

"EW! Y/N M/N L/N THAT IS DISGUSTING", she says fake gagging.

"Pansy you have done the same exact thing with multiple people, so I don't want to hear it", I fire back.

"Okay Okay you've got me there, but with him?", she says fake gagging again.

"I could say the same thing about Theodore", I say.

"Okay Okay you win", she laughs.

After what felt like forever Mattheo's class was over and it was time for my classes to start for the day. I have potions first, so Pansy and I take the short walk to the Potions room and take our seats next to each other. Mattheo walks in just in time as Snape is about to start the lecture. Pansy elbows my side as he walks in and I give her a weird look. Mattheo takes his seat on my left and Snape starts the lesson. We are just taking notes today, but I'm finding it very hard to pay attention when Mattheo has his hand on my upper thigh and is moving his thumb back and forth.

The rest of the day was a whole lotta nothing as we had charms and history of magic left. After dinner, I took a shower put on some comfy clothes, and went down to the common room as Pansy told me to meet her down there.

"Y/nnnnnn", I hear Pansy on my right and I look over to see her on a couch motioning me over to her with her hand. I go over and sit next to her and she looks around and motions me closer.

"Theo and I made it official today", she whispers cupping her hand around my ear.

I jump up and start to squeal.

"Mattheo's next!", she says standing up and hugging me.

I sigh. Mattheo doesn't do the "dating" thing he's told multiple people which is like a stab to the heart every time someone mentions it.

"Mattheo doesn't date", I say sitting back down.

"Girl trust me you've changed his mind. He is head over heels.", she says shaking my shoulders.

"Yeah, sure", I say sarcastically.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Mattheo comes up to us.

"Uh, Y/n can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure", I say getting up and giving Pansy a worried look.

"So what do you want to talk about?", I say flopping down on a different couch and pulling a pillow to my chest.

"Us.", he says with a cheeky smile.

"Okay...", I say with a nervous laugh. I prepare myself for him to break it off and I feel my heart sink to my stomach.

"I don't think I want to just mess around anymore Y/n...", He says and I can tell he's nervous. "Wait, that's not the right way to put it...", he continues. "I think that you should be my girlfriend"

"Are you serious", I say trying not to get too excited. He nods his head in response his face growing into a smile.

"I mean I guess...", I say sarcastically pulling him into a hug.

He lets out a breath and hugs me back making me smile.

"Thank Merlin you said yes I don't what I would've done if you would've said no", He says.

I laugh and put my arms around his neck and this time we kiss like it was the first time.

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