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I didn't know why he did it. But he left. He left me a messed up girl but without her messed up boy that completed her.

He said it was for my safety.

And looking back on it I can see where he was coming from, but it's still not fair.

Now, it's all just a distant memory, but sometimes on the rainiest days or sleepless nights I get so lost in those memories that I trick myself into believing that he's here with me.

I can still see his chocolate eyes.

I can still feel his calloused hand holding mine.

I can still feel his arms around me.

I can still hear his voice whispering sweet things in my ear.

All those things so far away from me yet just close enough I can cling onto them for a second. Then as soon as I clutch onto a feeling or a memory I have to remind myself that there is no going back. That I can never see him again.

I try not to loose myself in the past.

But I fear I already have.

If I could only get a glimpse one tiny look at his face then maybe just maybe I could find closure.

And if I knew he was okay maybe I could be okay with myself.

Thats why I came back.

After 5 years.

5 years

5 years of torture.

In that 5 years a lot has happened. I have had numerous boyfriends but in reality they were no Mattheo.


The name that has been stuck in the back of my head for years.

"Y/n?", my friend Stacey brought me out of my thoughts. "You good?"

"Yep", I say putting on a fake smile.

I decided to bring Stacey along to be able to lie to myself and say that this is just a vacation to the place I basically grew up in.

"Wow who knew wizard london could be so exciting?", Stacey says giddily.

"I know", I say linking my arm through hers. "I always have loved this place"

Do you love the place or the person that was in the place?

I show Stacey all the shops I used to go to when I was younger and we eventually ended up in a boutique.

Stacey and I ended up in a competition, whoever came out with the more ridiculous outfit won.

I was laughing at Stacey who had a sun hat, a red puffer jacket and a ballerina tutu on when I heard a gasp from behind me.

"Oh my god Y/n! It's been so long!"

I turn around to see my best friend from school Pansy looking basically the same as the last time I saw her.

Then it hits me again. The longing.

The longing for my childhood back.

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