Chapter 21:Messing with people is just too much fun

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They arrived at Stormterror's Lair, ready to face the dragon. However, they still had an obstacle in front of them.

Said obstacle being an barrier of Anemo surrounding their destination. By the reaction of their companions, Kumagawa and Lumine could guess this wasn't supposed to be here.

Paimon:It's a storm barrier! It looks so dangerous...

Venti:Let me at it. Although this wooden lyre is all I have... I don't need the lyre to break through this kind of storm barrier.

Jean:Still...Something is not right.

Lumine:What do you mean?

Jean:There shouldn't be any hilichurl camps in the vicinity of Stormterror's Lair...

Ah, yes. They have encountered a group of hilichurls close by, but the wild creatures were dealt with shortly and swiftly.

Both Kumagawa and Lumine tilted their heads in sync. Remembering that both of them didn't belong to thus world, Venti decided to explain what Jean meant.

Venti:Ahh...The hilichurls usually do not venture into areas with high elemental concentrations. It puts a heavy burden on their bodies.

Diluc:The Abyss Order must be manipulating them behind the scenes, yet they shouldn't have been able to determine that we would come. They're presumably spreading their forces to halt our plans.

Kumagawa's grin grew after hearing Diluc mention the Abyss Order. That could mean another Abyss Mage is close by.

Paimon:Well, someone is on high spirits.

Kumagawa:[You could say that...]

Lumine:Just don't go to wild. I don't feel like having a building fall on me.

Kumagawa:[My, you'd think so lowly of me? My hear has been broken!]

Kumagawa made a exagerated gesture with his hand on hos chest, voice growing dramatic. His performance manages to get a giggle out of Lumine.

Venti: Without further ado...I suppose I can play faster if my only audience is the wind.

Venti positioned his fingers on the lyre. One finger streched a string for a test, leaving a high pitched sound.

The Anemo Archon began his work, singing at the lyre like it was second nature to him. Anemo energy manifested around, green glowing notes pushing forward.

The notes hit the barrier, dispersing it on impact. After the end of his performance, Venti bowed at Kumagawa's applause.

Kumagawa:[Haha! Don't you think you're the deity of the wrong concept?]

Venti:Oh, you're too kind, my friend! But freedom is what defines me. Music is simply a hobby.

Paimon:It actually opened! You're not entirely useless, Tone-Deaf Bard!

Venti should probably say something about the dpuble meaning of his words. However, he knew that would be useless by this point.

Jean:This is it. We are now entering Stormterror's Lair. Watch yourselves. Let's move.

The group walked the bridges, looking around vigilantly for anything suspicious. However, there was no sighting of Dvalin yet, which could be suspicious in of itself.

There were also lots of strong currents around. If one was to fall, it be more likely they'd have their body shredded by tye winds before hitting the ground.

Paimon:Looks like this is the front gate to Stormterror's Lair. The gate is enormous compared to us...But still, Paimon wonders how Dvalin gets in there with a body that huge?

Venti:He doesn't walk in, he flies in.

Paimon:...Oh. Hmm, you do have a point.

They have finally arrived at the gate. However, the ruined structure wasn't doing them any favors.

Paimon:It's stuck.

Venti:It's stuck.

Paimon: Hey, check out that roof. Is there a giant hole in it?

True to her words, there was a giant whole on the very roof of the tower. That's probably the place Dvalin uses to enter and exit his lair.

Venti:Hmm...I suppose we could make use of that wind current.

Paimon:Let's make a detour then. Heading up!

Venti:Let's make a detour then. Heading up!

Paimon growled at the repetate mocking tone Venti repeated after her. Looks like tjis Tone-Deaf Bard still had some fight in him.

Kumagawa:[No need.]


Kumagawa:[Venti-chan handled the barrier when we came here, right? Now if I didn't put my efforts as well...That would be rude, wouldn't it?]

From the ground under them the sharp head of a very large screw came out. It continued to extend forward until it stabbed into the last floor of the tower, acting like a bridge.

Kumagawa:[The newly installed Kumagawa Street on Stormterror's Lair. Embark now, one and all!]

Jean:Impressive. Those screws of yours truly habe mnay uses.

Kumagawa:[Haha, you think so?]

They used the screw as a bridge to climb towards the last floor. There were, strangely, no problem with that.

Even though there should be increased damger as they climbed up, they remained in the same state as they climbed up with no damger of slipping. As Venti thought, those screws Kumagawa seemed to be able to summon at will had more to them than being comically large.

Venti:Oh, we can't advance any further. The ruins seem to be guarded by ancient seals.

Paimon:Is this the work of Dvalin?

Venti:No. These ruins were once part of an ancient city. Dvalin just happens to be nesting in these ruins for now. These ruins even predate the existence of The Four Winds. Mondstadt is a city without a ruler. However, before it was...It was ruled over by a tyrant. Anyway...I'll sing you that story when we have a chance in the future.

Diluc:The markings on this seal...If my archaeological knowledge is not mistaken, this appears to be a light actuator.

Searching around, Diluc found the machine at the very opposite side of the room. Pointing it out, he continued his explanation.

Diluc:If we retrieve and reintegrate all the parts, we should be able to get it working.

Jean:We should be close to completing the ceremony for this actuator.

Searching around Jean found one of the parts hidden in an corner of the room. She decided to share her discovery with the others, seeing it fit to test Diluc's theory.

Jean:Let's put the last part back and see.

Kumagawa:[Eh? What are you talking about? It looks fine to me.]

Jean:As I said...

Jean fell silent, looking at the curator that loojed to have all components. Looking at that corner again, there was nothing hidden there.

Kumagawa walked to the curator, giving it a tap on the tip of it. The halo looking seals instantly lit up and became alike solid ground.

Jean:But...I could swear...

Kumagawa found Jean's little existencial crisis very cute. It was so fun when others weren't aware of All Fiction.

Kumagawa:[Maybe you're just tired? You should really take some time off after we're done here.]

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