Chapter 28:Look for thighs, get an mage

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After a bit of rest, Kumagawa and Lumine together with Paimon have headed straight to the Cathedral. As fate would habe it, the first person they encountered was Barbara.

Paimon:Hi Barbara, we're back.

Barbara:Welcome back. You must be exhausted.

Lumine:I'm sure you must be exhausted, too.

Barbara:Oh it's nothing, looking after patients is all in a day's work for me.

Kumagawa:[It's hard to say if you're a doctor or a nun by this point, huh?]

Barbara:I try my best...

Kumagawa:[Yes, that seems like a problem you both have...]



Barbara:Anyway...Jean has regained consciousness and should be back to her normal self soon enough.

Paimon:That's great news! Let's go and see her.

Barbara:But she just left the Cathedral. I tried to tell her she needs more rest, but she wouldn't listen. She tried to act like she was fine and kept saying she wanted to get some fresh air. I bet you she's gone to Lady Vennessa's place again.


Barbara:Oh, that huge tree at Windrise. That place is dedicated to Mondstadt's hero, Vennessa. Jean goes there whenever she feels lost and confused, deep down inside.

Paimon:Barbara, that's some pretty personal stuff...How do you know so much about Jean's innermost thoughts?

Barbara:...Jean uh, mentioned it to me, y'know, before she left.

Lumine:Will she be okay out there on her own, in her condition?

Barbara:That's what I'm worried about, too. But I still have work to do here...

Paimon: Don't worry, we'll take over nursing duty for now.

Barbara:Great! That puts my mind at rest. May the Anemo Archon protect you...And Jean.

Kumagawa:[He's probably dru...]

Kumagawa's words were stopped once Lumine's hand covered his mouth. What Barbara heard nect were a bunch of mumbels.


Lumine:Don't worry about it. He sometimes makes bad jokes and I have to stop him.

Barbara:That reminds me...Is everything alright, Kumagawa? Problems walking straight? Do you drink enough water?

Kumagawa:[Ah, yes, yes...]

Kumagawa gently pulled Lumine's hand away to answer Barbara. If he answered a few seconds later, the girl might've gone into a panic.

Kumagawa:[You don't have tp worry so much about me, Barbara-chan. I'm much tougher than I look.]

Barbara:I know. The fact you're standing in front of me right now is proof of that, but...I still worry.

Kumagawa:[Haha, calm down! I'm used to it.]

Barbara:That's not something you should be used to...

They departed after, walking to Windrise to meet Jean. On the way there Lumine decided to interogate her male companion.

Lumine:What was that?

Kumagawa:[Hm? What are you talking about?]

Lumine:Back at the Cathedral. Barbara was really worried about you...Why?

Kumagawa:[It's really nothing worth talking about.]

Lumine:I beg to differ. From what I saw, Barbara isn't someone that would worry from nothing.

Kumagawa:[Back with the Fair Lady...A stray shot hit me, but I told Barbara-chan to take care of you, Paimon-chan and Venti-chan. It was nothing to be worried about.]

Lumine got quite after hearing that. As always, it seems his ability to fool people was not dulled over the years.

That was half of a lie. A shot of Signora had hit him and he insisted that Barbara takes care of those three.

However, it was not a stray shot. Signora fully intended to hit him with her attack and most people wouldn't consider a giant shard of ice stabbed into their chest as a minor wound.

But there was no need for her to know that. That knowglede wouldn't do her any good.

God knows if Lumine would make it her mission to protect him. That would end up with an Zenkichi situation on his hands.

Paimon:We're here!

Indeed, they had arrived at the intended tree. Jean stood in front of it talking to herself.

Jean:Lady Vennessa, I hope your watch over Mondstadt remains unclouded. I do not know if I, or the rest of the world, ass you had hoped for, have become stronger...Huh?

Jean heard the syeps behind her and quickly turned around. She looked a little embarassed being seen in such a personal situation.

Paimon:Hi Jean, are you feeling better now?

Jean:Much better. I was not expecting you to come here. Thank you for your concern.

Paimon:Are you sure? We saw you beneath the tree just now, leaning on your sword. It looked like you were struggling. Are you sure you aren't pushing yourself too hard?

Lumine:You can always rely on us.

Kumagawa:[And some of the Knights as well.]

Lumine: Don't you mean all the other Knights?

Kumagawa turned to her, his eyes half closed and his smile turned sardonic. In retaliation to this Lumine shrugged her shoulders.

Lumine:Fair point.

Jean:Oh...Thank you, that means a lot to me. Hearing that boosts my spirits. But I must find a way to cope with minor setbacks like this on my own. Otherwise, how can I be the protector that Mondstadt needs me to be? The protector that Vennessa was...

Paimon:You truly revere Vennessa, huh?

Jean:I do. Vennessa was the first Grand Master, a kind yet formidable woman. I have always hoped to follow in her footsteps. As the Lionfang Knight, she courageously overthrew the oppressive ruling aristocracy of her time. Then, she founded the Knights of Favonius and became known as the Dandelion Knight, spreading grace and compassion throughout the land.

Paimon:Dandelion Knight. Isn't that your title?

Jean:Hmm...Actually, all of the Knights of Favonius' Masters throughout the ages have inherited the title of Dandelion Knight or Lionfang Knight.

Paimon:Oooh, that makes sense now. You too want to be as gentle as the Dandelion Knight and yet as fierce as the Lionfang Knight?

Jean:Yes. I know it sounds like a huge honor, inheriting both these titles from Vennessa...But I see it more as a huge responsibility. After all, it is a lot to live up to.

Lumine:Actually, Dandelion Knight suits you better.

Paimon:Paimon thinks so too!

Jean was being uncharacteristically quiet. A fact which Paimon took notice of.


Lumine hard the sound of steel against steel and turned her head towards Kumagawa who had an oversized screw in each of her hand. She quickly drew out her sword.

Jean:Who's there?

From the leaves of the tree an Abyss Mage floated down. However, this one had red color schematics, which Kumagawa thought it was clue enough that it controlled Pyro rather than the first one they encountered that had power over Cryo.

Abyss Mage:Hmph... Caught red-handed. Finally, an opportunity comes to get rid of the Master in her moment of weakness...And then you two show up and ruin everything.

A sinister giggled cut through the silence in the air. Lumine didn't have to much guess the spurce of it.

Sure enough, the giggle came from Kumagawa who now had his eyes hidden by shadows and his smile showing all of his teeth. Like that of a hungry beast.

Kumagawa:[I finally found another!]

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