Chapter 26:Occupations are different in another world

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Because of the sudden situation they had to carry Jean to the Cathedral. Well, Kumagawa qnd Lumine carried Jean, while Paimon floated around frantically and Barbara followed equally frantic.

Lumine insisted for Kumagawa to take Jean by the arms. She wasn't planning to let him in the radius of the Acting Grand Master's thighs after his little check up.

Paimon:How's Jean holding up? Is it serious?

Barbara:It's just burnout from work stress. She'll be fine after a good old rest. Thanks for bringing her here...She may have tried to keep soldiering on otherwise.

Paimon:It's not a surprise though, she does have a lot to get through every day.

Barbara:Poor Jean. She has always been one to push herself too hard while overlooking her own needs. This isn't the first time something like this has happened.

Lumine:Seems like you really care about Jean.
Barbara:Oh, ah...You think so? I...I mean, she's the Acting Grand Master and all, we can't have her collapsing all the time now can we...S...So y'know, it's not like this is a personal... thing, it's just out of love for...Concern for...The greater good! Yes, that's it!

Paimon: What's up with Barbara...Weird.


Kumagawa tilted his head at the stuttered and poorly made answer. This girl really wasn't good at lying.

He had suspected something was going on with those two. Although both of them had very high ranking positions in the city, Jean and Barbara had a much stromger bond then mere co-workers.

Now, that he thinks about it, they look really similar as well. Although Barbara's shade of blobde is a bit different.

Kumagawa:[I see...Family is something, isn't it?]

Barbara:Eh!? Family!? I...I suppose...W...Why would you ask that?

Kumagawa:[Haha, no reason!]

Well, he supposed it wasn't his bussiness if she wanted to keep it secret. The last family situation Kumagawa got involved into ended up with the moon crashing down on earth.

Barbara:...Anyway, you're an honorary knight aren't you Lumine? You too, Kumagawa?

Kumagawa:[Well, that's what they've been calling us.]

Lumine:It was kind of a sudden turn of events.

Barbara:While the Master is down, the knights should share her burden, no?

Paimon:That's a very good point, but...Shouldn't one of the fully qualified knights do that?

Barbara:Jean has so much to do, an extra pair of hands can't hur You should go and check in at the headquarters. Jean will be fine with just me here.

Paimon:Paimon feels like she's trying to get rid of us...

Kumagawa:[Well, it's nothing new to me.]


Paimon:Nothing! We'll leave you to it...Come on guys, let's go.

They quickly walked back to the Headquarters. As it happened, they bumped into Kaeya right at the entrance.

Paimon:Oh, it's Kaeya.

Kaeya:I've been waiting for you. I have been informed about Jean falling ill. On behalf of all of Knights of Favonius, allow me to express my sincere gratitude for your assistance.

Paimon:So courteous and polite. This isn't the Kaeya Paimon knows.

Kaeya: Haha...Well, the circumstances warrant it. This is the Acting Grand Master herself we're talking about. Now, in addition to that thank you message, there was one other thing...

Lumine:Is this the part where you give us our reward?

Kaeya:Hahaha. I must say I like your style. But before we can discuss a reward, there are some things I hope you can assist the Knights with.

Kumagawa:[Look at this, Paimon-chan! There he is!]

Paimon:Yep! That's the Kaeya Paimon knows. So what do you need? Things like helping to fill in for Jean?

Kaeya:Right. Although the commissions you reported to Jean have already been handed off to someone else...I am concerned that they will not be handled with due care without Jean's personal touch.

Kaeya:So I am hoping that you can help out where you see fit. I will feel much more at ease knowing that the Honorary Knights are personally overseeing these cases.

Paimon:You can flatter these two all you want, but answer this...Why don't YOU do it!?

Kumagawa:[Yes! Please fell free to continue!]

Kaeya:Haha... Oh, I have far more important matters to attend to. There are so many things to...To prepare.

Paimon:Hmph. Fine then. So it's Sara, Charles and Margaret's stuff you want us to help with, right?

Kaeya:Those are the ones. I appreciate the help. See you later!

Kumagawa:[Bye then!]

Kumagawa waved Kaeya good bye as the knight entered the Headquarters. He then turned towards his travel companions.

Kumagawa:[Let's split up.]


Lumine:That came out of nowhere...

Kumagawa:[Isn't it the best answer because we have multiple requests? I happen to have been in an official leading position before, which included taking care of various kinds of paperwork...]

Kumagawa explained into a way they could understand. He didn't know anything about Lumine's original world, but he could guess it was from a time similar to that portrayed in Teyvat. So he's not sure what kind of educational system she had.

Kumagawa found out a few thimgs about the best educational institute in the entiery of Teyvat from Lisa, the Akademiya. They had something similar of a Student Council, but not wuite the same.

As such, he wasn't sure Lumine would understand if he explained about his two runs as President and one as Vice President of the Student Council. That's why he had to word it in such a convoluted way.

Kumagawa:[I understand you didn't have to face tax forms before?]

Lumine:Not really, no.

Paimon:Neither did Paimon.

Kumagawa:[That's why I'm more qualified to deal wuth the situation at Angel's Share. Margaret-chan's problem, not so qualified.]

Lumine:Oh, right...I noticed animals seem scared of you.

Paimon:Eh? Really? Paimon didn't know.

Kumagawa:[Yes, it's a situation I had since I was a child. That's why I never had a pet...Anyway, that's the plan. I'll deal with the tax forms and you deal with the missing cat. We can then regroup and take care of Sara-chan's problem.]

Lumine:Sounds good.

Paimon:Awww, Paimon will miss you!

Kumagawa:[Haha, you are to kind!]

Parting ways Kumagawa walked over to Angel's Share. However, when he opened the door he saw an unexpected person inside.

Kumagawa:[Lisa-chan? What a coincidence! I was just thinking about you.]

Lisa:Oh my! You really are a charmer, cutie.

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