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I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating in so long. I have no excuse, other than emotional shit but still. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to take so bloody long, I hope you guys can forgive me, I love you all, enjoy~

Clara slumped down against one of the bleak white walls. "I, I I don't.." She stuttered out voice just above a whisper.

She put her head in her hands and let out a choked sob. In her heart she knew that the Doctor was still her Doctor, and that he would never hurt her. But on the other she also knew he had hurt people, and people had died for him, a lot of people. And he had not always been so sensitive to the lives of people.

" Doctor, please talk to me." She heard his voice resounding through the room sounding far away. "I'm here Clara, I don't know where he took you but I can hear you and I'm always here."

"I know you are, thank you."
She slowly put on a brave face and looked up staring at the wall opposite of her. "I accept you Doctor. I accept all your flaws and imperfections. Not even a timelord could be perfect."

With that she slowly slumped back again and fell asleep completely exhausted suddenly. Or so she thought.

In reality she had only just woken up. As had the Doctor. They were now in the room that they had been knocked out in in the first place.

"That was all.." Clara started.
"A dream." The Doctor finished.
"But Clara, everything you saw was real."

She nodded solemnly. "I understand now Doctor, and I'm still choosing to stay with you." She announced putting on her most determined face that quickly slid into a smirk as she pulled her wiry alien companion in for a kiss.

When they kissed both of their eyes slammed shut as they let them selfs absorb the moment, becoming lost in eachother. Their lips moved perfectly as if completing a circuit that had been waiting a lifetime or more to be completed.

When they parted they both panted slightly. The Doctor looked at her a twinkle in his eye. "Ready to become an even cooler species my impossible girl?"
"Only if you think you can put up with me for long enough Chin boy."

And with that they locked hands and decided to attempt to find a way out of the area realizing they were still literally under the sea.

"Fine Doctor, you win this one." Was a small whisper that only the Doctor could hear, as the DreamLord excepted this defeat.

This is almost the end, only one or two more chapters! And again, I'm sorry.. <3

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