It was Only Just A Dream?

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An: guys. GUYS. It's almost over. Only a couple more chapters of my whouffle fanfiction. <3 The first Fanfic I ever did write.
Thank you so much everyone who has stuck along through my absence of updates and repetitively lateness. I love you all dearly.

Without further adue.


"My Clara stay back."

Clara whirled around taking in the worried glaces of her Doctors with a tint of something else in their eyes, distaste, hatred.

Fear, definitely fear. But, the only thing the doctor fears is himself.

How could that be? This is not a doctor Clara had ever laid eyes on before nor was it an untold regeneration.

Suddenly another voice spoke.
"I'm not a trickster."
"Isn't that what you've said before Doctor?"
"Indeed. I would know after all."

The doctors hissed softly under their breaths.

"Clara" one said shakily,
"Meet the Dreamlord."

Clara tilted her head a slight bit in confusion. This was all giving her such a headache.

"Dreamlord? Not Doctor? So why..?"

"Why am I familiar my dear?"

"Y-yes that is what I was wondering."
Clara stuttered slightly picking up on the anxiety in the room radiating off of the many doctors.

"Well Clara. Dear Clara. We all have dark sides."

"What?" She questioned completely befuddled.

"Do you love me Clara? Can you love mine?"

(Bonus points if you get the reference.)

Clara stumbled back as the figure moved closer.

"Doctor, doctors! What is he saying, what is this."

"He is me Clara, he's my darker self manifested. I, I'm sorry."

Just as these last words left one of the Doctors lips Clara felt a hand touch her temple and a searing pain rip it's way through her skull.

"See me Clara, see all of me before you choose."

"Choose what!" She screamed in agony.

"He still hasn't told you. Hmm. You can be like us. We can be young together."

Clara looked at her Doctors eyes widening as the realization kicked in and she passed out from the pain in her temple.

(If that's even possible in a dream..)

When she batted her eyes open she was in a white room, spotless and neat and beside her stood the Dreamlord.

"What is the meaning of this."

"Worry not, I do not mean you harm. I simply want to show you all the doctor is, even at his worst. Show you so you can choose wisely."

Just then a sudden jolt rippled through the room as a projection appeared on the clean white walls.
Images of the doctor. Killing, hurting, crying, screaming, losing himself.
Flashed across her eyes.

"Can you still accept me."

She heard whispered as she watched in horror.

An: Cliff hanger. <3

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