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Okay, okay, second last chapter, I'm sorry, I'm gonna stop coming up with excuses for not updating in months a
nd just apologize for my life being a train wreck 24/7
"Okay Chinny, we won against "Mr. Dreamy" how the hell do we get out of this thing, why is there a submarine here anyway? I thought this wasn't earth."

Just then the Doctors eyes brightened. "Didn't I tell you you were brilliant?!" He smiled widely and did some bizarre one legged jump in victory at whatever it was he was thinking.

"I know I'm brilliant but what does that have to do with us getting out of here?"

"Clara, don't you see? We aren't on earth!" He smiled even wider.

"No shit. I just said that Doctor." Clara was beginning to feel quite frustrated per usual.

"Common, I know you're still human for now but you can't actually be this dense" the Doctor smirked and then jumped infront of Clara. "We're not on earth this submarine can't be here it can't be real so.."

"So we're still dreaming!" Clara exclaimed, "this whole thing, were still in the TARDIS!"

"Yes we are! See I knew you'd get it, nothing is impossible after all."

Clara smiled brightly glad he was proud of her.

"So how do we wake up?" She asked.

"No idea, you got any?"

Clara's eyes lit up and she smirked mischievously. "Only one." She then grabbed his waist and began tickling him mercilessly.

"Clara I promise you this isn't going to work!" He exclaimed wiggling out of her grasp and huffing.

"I know, I just wanted to."

"Oh it's on when we wake up impossible girl."

"Whatever you say chin boy."

The doctor sat down in the thinking position hand on chin and everything.

A few moments later he sprung up. "OF COURSE!" He yelled. Which caused Clara to jump up and glare.

"What now?"

"To wake up, we need to fall asleep, since this is the original dream. Sleep shouldn't be hard it's been a long dream, you must be tired."

Clara nodded and whispered something under her breath hoping he wouldn't hear her, but he could.
"Will you hold me?"

"Of course." He responded.

And with that, laying on the floor in an imaginary world war submarine, they fell asleep holding eachother close, in a dream. It was lovely, but both of them wanted to wake up so they could be together for real.

It would be a long day when they woke up, a day full of Clara finally becoming a time lord, or time lady if you prefer.

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