Real? Or not Real?

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Hello, I apologize profusely, it was not in my intentions to keep you waiting this long. I first got sick. Then had a significant amount of homework to catch up on. Then it was my birthday, and these events bring us to now, when I am updating.
Clara awoke feelings quite drowsy back aboard the Tardis. As she looked around she was astonished by what she bore witness too.

There around her, all in a circle staring down at her were the doctors.

Let me clarify. Not all different doctors, all the same doctors.

That is to say, many different versions of Clara's doctor, the eleventh stood facing her all the eyes blinking worriedly.

"I'm terribly sorry Clara"
One said, then,
"I'm not certain what has happened"

Said another.

This kept going on for a few solid minutes finally ending with each attempting to help her get to her feet. By the time she was able to stand up and get her thoughts in order they were all arguing over which was the real doctor.

"I am."
"It's evident it is me."

The curffufle ultimately ended in a shout of "CLARA." From all around.

"Do I have to do everything myself?"
She thought.

"Which one of us is I?"
"It's me right?"
"No me."

"SHUT UP." Clara huffed in annoyance.

"You're all you. Something has just split you."

"Something.." Said one

"Or someone?" Said another.

Suddenly a crackling light appeared in the far corner of the console room.

An eerie yet strangely familiar voice boomed,
"Do you like my little game Doctors?"
"You know I so love to play games."

"How could I recognize this voice" Clara though unable to place more than the fact it sounded like home somehow.

The figure slowly descended from the shadows revealing himself.

A chorus of gasps from the doctors sounded across the room "you."

Clara stared at the figure "you..who?"

An; opinions? Who could this man possibly turn out to be? If he even happens to be a man.

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