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First of all, sorry for taking so long to update guys <3 I had exams and then right after a whole bunch of shananagins (pretty sure I butchered that word) took place in my family, you guys probably don't wanna hear about, then right as I wrote the next chapter, THE POWER GOES OUT. Yup. ON TO THE STORRRRY.

(This story is if matts doctor never regenerated)


Clara's POV:

Why does he keep staring at me like that. I'm not a wounded bird.

Sometimes I think he can almost read my mind, honestly, how else would he know everything I'm thinking..

Maybe it's a timey wimey thingy

I'll have to ask him one day.

You know what else I never understood, why can't he just go back and see his former companions..before they met, and just take away the memories like he did to Donna.. Weird.

Doctor's POV

Sometimes I can read her's something bonds share if they want to, I'm supposing since she's human, right now at least, I can hear it without her willing me to hear her thoughts.

You know what always got me all mine boggled? The fact that Clara, is alike to each of my most recent companions.

She's compassionate, like rose...

Rose..I really thought id found my bond..but almost all good things may as well make them worth while!

She's determined like Martha, so brave..

She's stubborn and doesn't like to be pushed around, just like Donna..

She's head strong and willful like Amy, another red headed companion.. Seriously, I have issues, why don't I just get hair dye?

Yet, she's also just plain Clara, which is not at all plain, Infact she's brilliant!

It's like the world took the best from all my companions, and out came her, my impossible girl.

Still a mystery to me. In so many ways.

"Doctor your spacing out again"

I hear her voice like tinkerbell's jingle over top of my thoughts.

"Hmm" I replied still dazed by my new found similarities between Clara and my former tardis crew.

Clara's POV

I really shouldn't blame him for spacing, I do all the time, I go back into my echoes.. Reliving the past,

I often bounce back into the echo of when I was a time lord, so free, so powerful, Galifrey was beautiful, I still feel a strong aching pain in my heart from seeing it disappear infront of me, it's still out there somewhere.

Galifrey falls no more.

I wish I could be a time lord now, more so than in any other echo, sure I loved the other doctors dearly, they all feel like family, but my doctor, this doctor, is absolutely Fantastic.

Doctor's POV

I loved seeing how all of Clara's echoes acted with me in different forms, I loved them all dearly, but this Clara, my Clara, she's absolutely Fantastic.

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