Whouffle Echos.

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Clara's POV

I shouted jolting out of my bed on the TARDIS sweating profusely.
I clutched my head in my hands and curled up in a ball on the corner of mattress.

"What's wrong?"
I heard the doctor as he sauntered into the room fear and worry for me prominent in his eyes. He squinted at me as if trying to work out the problem at hand, to try and find a solution.

I stuttered as a cold sweat bled on my forehead,
"I'm fine."

"No your not" he walked closer peering at me through the dark as if trying to see into my thoughts.

If he had he would see the reminiscence of a night terror, but not one of those silly childish ones, not quite.
A more gruesome sight of a past echo, I always remember them like this. Some lovely ones. In the snow, my doctor.
But some I died in more, uncomplimentary ways.
Such as suicide, and murder.
But he doesn't need to know.

He never needs to know.
Im Clara Oswald, I'm his Impossible girl, and I will protect him, even from myself. He will never know.

Doctors POV
I know.

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