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AN: oh my god. I'm sorry. I know I keep saying it. These past months have been ridiculous I keep getting sick and when I'm not I have a shit ton of tests.

For any supernatural people, I was also busy taking selfies with them at the 200 episode party last night. :] anyway. Here's the next part! EXTRA fluffy for an apology for taking so long ;).


As Clara and the Doctor waded around the edges of the water sun on their bodies Clara noticed the Doctor was slowly inching towards her with each coming wave. She looked away trying to look inconspicuous and mutter to her self "men, timelords, all the same."

The Doctor was thinking to himself about what a sly devil he was timing his movements with the waves, completely oblivious to the fact that Clara was giggling to herself.

He started spacing out, "why's her hair so much redder in the water.. Like the fire truck, why can't my hair be-"

He looked down to see his hand was right on-top another.

He looked up slowly and found himself staring into the widened deep brown eyes that belonged to his impossible girl.

"Hey Chinny." Clara remarked, "come over here to see me eh?" (Dear god my Canadian is showing.)

"No. Why ever would you think that?" The Doctor asked, still not moving his hand.

"It was obviously just the waves."

"So it also must be the waves that's keeping your hand there hmm?" Clara questioned.

The Doctor became quite flustered and lost the ability to speak, "It's okay Doctor. Really." Clara said softly gently intertwining their fingers.


"Of course."

All of a sudden the Doctors grip on Clara tightened and he began to be pulled under the murky sand below them.

"Doctor?!" Clara exclaimed struggling to keep his now sinking body above the sand,

"You have to let me go Clara. Ill be ok.

I'll come back to you."

"Not this time chin boy. I'm coming with you." And with that she started sinking too still linked to the Doctor by their hands though now he had disappeared from sight.

"Can't get rid of me that easily."

Clara thought taking a deep breath before also being enveloped in a cascade of sand.

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