27: Jaune of the Grand Republic 3

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Spectre: Last time on Jaune Multiverse.

Weiss: uh what are you doing?

as she states he was talking to no one

Spectre: oh addressing somethings in another universe.

Penny: being a guardian is tough work is it? Friend Spectre?

Spectre: indeed it is.

But I digress let's start the world now.

The Screen opens up to a familiar them as loud music booms into the Theatre

Ruby: AH! It's the Jaune Clones Universe! Now this is gonna be Epic!!!

Blake: Ruby, there is nothing amazing in War.

Yang: just let her have her fun.

Weiss: it's the least we can have if the show may become....you know.

Blake nods and returns to watch

Fighting a War tests a Soldier's Skills, defending his Home tests a Soldier's Heart.

Ironwood: A fine lesson for all types of soldiers.

Clover: something that many would appreciate.

Narrator: Separatist Attack! After the destruction of the Republic Outpost on the Rishi Moon. General Grievous and Asaj Ventress plan an attack on the Planet Kamino home of the Cloning Factories.

Meanwhile aboard a Jedi Cruiser, Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi examine an intercepted message from General Grievous.

Crew Member: we are decrypting the Audio Sir.

Ventress: the Clone planet of Kamino will be a dangerous target.

Grievous: just make sure you hold up you're part of the mission, we must stop the production of new clones if we are to win this war.

*Transmission End*

Anakin: Kamino.

Rex: They're going to attack our Home Planet.

Obi-Wan: the Separatists are taking quite the even considering this.

Rex: with all due respect General if someone our home they better be carrying a big blaster.

Cody: I concur with Captain Rex sir this is personal for us clones.

Anakin: we'll make sure Kamino is secure tell your troopers in the 501st, they're going home.

Rex: Yes Sir!

Transition to the Enemy Fleet

Ventress: all is ready General.

Maria: I don't like the sound of that.

Cath: you and me both.

Grievous: good we will attack Tipoca City first.

Ventress: I have the exact locations of both the Clone DNA Room and the Clone Trooper Barracks.

Grievous: both shall be annihilated under my hands.

Ironwood: how could they have the information to two vital locations...unless.

Glynda: there's a traitor among them.

Ozpin: this is alarming. Did they...

Spectre: they found out who and ended the war because of it.

Ventress: our hands General. Count Dooku assigned us both this task.

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