51: Into the Abyss

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Spectre: oh no.

Summer: that doesn't sound good.

Spectre: it's that world again.

Raven: which one be specific.

Spectre: another Dark World.

Kali: oh dear.

Willow: this can't be good.

Salem: is it gonna be more End of the World because it feels like these worlds is pointing a finger towards me.

Ozpin: to be honest you are the one who wanted it all to end when those two douche bags we call brothers toyed with our lives.

Salem: *sigh*

Spectre: well this isn't End of the World type of thing but more of a Destiny of Revenge that puts Cinder's Origin Story to shame.

Ruby: so Jaune is Evil?

Spectre: in an way he is Neutral. But that's a discussion for another day.

The Screen Opens to a Room where Pillars stood and Salem was seen sitting on her Throne

Music Starts at 0:42

But what was odd was the People surrounding her

It was Team RWBY but they were the same as Salem

Summer was fuming, Raven was speechless, Kali was horrified and Willow fainted

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Summer was fuming, Raven was speechless, Kali was horrified and Willow fainted

The Husbands tried their best to comfort their wives at what they were seeing

Summer: Spectre...what happened here!?

Spectre: well in this world the Grimm were the First Race to be born and then Humans and Faunus came after.

The Grimm were the Guardians of this Universe as they faced a more demonic foe hellbent in throwing Nosgoth into hell

Ozpin: Nosgoth?

Spectre: the Name of their World in Remnant's place.

Maria: now this is serious.....but if the Grimm are the Guardians, are the Humans...

Spectre: ungrateful wretches who think they deserve the title of Guardians of Nozgoth.

In short they led a coup to usurp the Original Guardians and claim everything for themselves.

Ironwood: I guess Humanity is constantly a problem.

Spectre: in these dark worlds perhaps.

Jaune: Salem is deified. The Clans tell tales of Her. Few know the truth. She was mortal once, as were we all. However, Her contempt for humanity drove her to create me, and my sisters.

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