28: Jaune Rico 2

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Raven was crying as Summer tries to comfort her with the help Tai and Qrow seeing so many deaths of alternate versions of her son from another world was too much

So was Cath Arc who was embraced by John along with Saphron and Terra and somewhat Adrian

The other families look on in Sympathy

After a few more moments of crying Spectre decided to set them at ease

Spectre: if it's any consolation he survived.

Raven: really?

As she wipes away a tear

Spectre: yes, and let's start the next world as it will give more lessons of hope for you all especially you mister Schnee?

Whitley: you mean it's?

Spectre: his world.

Willow: I love this world.

The world recalls a battle for those who just arrived

Above the Sea near Menagerie

Kali: oh! I know where we're going here.

Spectre: yes this is before the battle, basically it's a recap.

And I want to show how other parts of the Federation operate it might help teach you people how to cooperate better.

Just because your strangers to each other Ace-Ops it's not an excuse for failure.

The Ace-Ops looked at each other

Helmsmen: it's seems clear.

Kaggy: never say that.

Helmsmen: why sir?

Penny: I don't get it either. Why is it bad to state an accurate observation?

Qrow: it's not a fact kid, because nothing is what it seems.

Penny: I don't follow.

Robyn: it's better for you just watch Penny.

As she now looks on screen.

Kaggy: a huntsman I was working with said that and moments later a bandit tribe attacked.

The helmsmen flinched

Kaggy: look out for pirates.

Helmsmen: aye sir!

Moments later as they slowly move through the water

Much Later


???: He...ay.....may.....may-day..... We...elp...

Kaggy: communications clean up that signal.


Captain: this is Pride were under attack I repeat we are under attack!!!!

Kaggy: General, we have a ship under attack near Menagerie's transport route.

Jaune: alright, prepare to engage!

Qrow: you see now kid, saying such things just invites trouble. Just so the world can prove us wrong.

Penny: I see.

They move towards the source of the distress call as they see a civilian ship under attack by a Sea Feilong

Captain: this is Captain Ahab, we need help! Someone!? Anyone!? Please! Respond!!!

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