Chapter 40

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[POV: Narrator]

"Is this really necessary?" Oscar's voice wavered as Andi scrambled through her bag.

The two had been sat at a local restaurant for almost an hour as they waited for their food to arrive. No, it wasn't the shrimp-infested one. Andi had threatened to take legal action if Oscar took her there.

Andi raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Jeez, you're not planning something super nasty are you?"

"No!" Oscar response came out almost like a squeak. He coughed and held out his hand in defence, nearly choking on his food. "No, I just—"

"I'm kidding, relax. But yes. It's necessary." Andi's tone became direct. She found the two pieces of paper, unfolded them and then handed one to Oscar along with a small pencil. "So— I found this list online; just tick the things you're okay with and leave whatever you aren't okay with blank."

Oscar nodded, and the two began to go through the thorough list.

[POV: Andreanna Saunterre]

Hold hands, sure. Already done that.

Go on dates. Fine. long as he pays.

Compliments. No harm in that.

Attending family events. Fine.

Hugs. In public, yeah.

Arm around the shoulder/waist.
I adjusted my posture, not looking up from the page.
...In public. Okay

Kisses on the cheek.
I strained my neck, making sure I didn't look up.
That's... yeah, what the hell, fine.

Back hugs.
My brows furrowed as I hesitated.
Back hugs? I mean, I don't know when that would even happen, but... I guess.

Oh Jesus H. Christ— They really had to put that twice?
I couldn't help it this time; I glanced up at Oscar. As to be expected, he looked just fine. No sign of any kind of nerves or hesitations. I looked back down at the paper and read the word again. The grip I had around the pencil became looser as I started to feel weaker somehow.
My whole face burned; I was becoming flustered.
Jeez, why is this so difficult? I took my mind elsewhere. What else is even on here...

I began reading the rest of the list's contents.

...Oh shit.

"You know what, we don't need to do this." With a sudden surge of panic, I snatched the paper from Oscar's hand, hastily stuffing it into my bag without even bothering to read it.

Oscar merely blinked and handed me the pencil back, no questions asked. I figured he agreed with me; that this was a stupid idea anyway.

[POV: Narrator]

"So... let's review," Andi suggest, walking alongside Oscar as they made their way from the restaurant. "I go to all of your races, you acknowledge me, we act couple-y, get a few photos and... Done! And, obviously, we make sure that if Charles is nearby we take it up a notch. If we do that, this'll be over in no time. We have to make sure he sees us."

"Are you sure your dad will be okay with that? Doesn't he make you stay with him in the Ferrari garage most of the time?"

"Oh, yeah, no. He'll be fine. He's obsessed with you," Andi noted as if it was common knowledge, throwing a hand up as if to say 'who cares! My dad likes my boyfriend more than me, no biggie.'

Oscar hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Um. Also," he croaked, reaching behind his neck to scratch it.

"Oh, god." Andi immediately groaned, hanging her head forward.

"What?" Oscar exclaimed, "I haven't even told you yet?"

"You said 'um', Oscar. And you did that neck thing."

Oscar scoffed aloud, internally taken aback by the fact that Andi could tell by his mannerisms that what he was about to say wasn't particularly comfortable.

"I was just going to say, my mum rang me yesterday." Andi glanced at him. "She asked about... you know, the—"

"Yeah," she confirmed, looking back down at her feet.

"And she mentioned... the articles."

"She read them?"

"Yeah, but—"

Andi laughed, "Let me guess, she think I'm some psycho motorcyclist now, too? Told you to 'be careful', or whatever. That you shouldn't be with such a loose cannon? Or—"

"No, she doesn't."

Andi paused, still not looking anywhere but in front of her. All she could say was "Oh."

"Actually, she said that they were being unfair to you. And that..."

When Oscar took to long to finish his sentence, Andi pried him a little.

"...And what?"

Oscar scratched his neck once again. "And... That she thinks you have a nice smile."

Finally, Andi looked towards Oscar, who gave her a shy smile. She lamented over his comment, feeling a certain ease take over what was mostly a sense of dread and discomfort. She chuckled softly, not having anything of any substance to say. Her mind had been so clouded by the thought of what people were saying about her, that she forgot that not everybody hated her, no matter how hard the media pushed that sentiment.

"She's coming to Monaco," Oscar stated, ending the silence.

Andi just nodded, "Okay. I'll have to start practicing then."

The boy turned to her, looking puzzled.

"My smile, idiot," she elbowed him, her laughter making him laugh too. "So," she said; the two of them standing feet away from her car. "We have a deal?" Andi extended her hand.

Oscar tried not to smile. He forced a straight face; giving his hand to hers to shake.

"Deal," he said, needing her to let go first. A feeling that was becoming all too familiar to him then started forming in the pit of his stomach; one he experienced mere hours ago, when Andi had hugged him in front of all those people; one that had caused him to fled from her to mask his smile. He couldn't stop it; he felt it coming on and it became too hard to hide. If she'd have seen it, he thought, she'd have seen how giddy he was, and that it was all because she hugged him for a few seconds.

"Good," Andi said, letting her and Oscar's hands hold their shake for a moment before finally letting go. "Then, I'll see you in Monaco."



to anyone else who's struggling though exam season, YOU CAN DO THIS!!

PS: Thank you all SOOOOOOO much for 70K reads?!?!?!?! going slightly insane *eye twitches*

To anyone who'd like to join my community server on discord ☺️🫶🏻
USER (on discord): bloxybingopro123

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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