As Long As It Annoys You

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Jason Pov

I saw the dragon out back before I saw Leo. He couldn't be inconspicuous even if he tried with that thing around. That day, I was alone in the house. Piper and Tristan went to finalize their purchase on their new home in Oklahoma, leaving the house to me.

It was quiet. And I didn't appreciate being left with my own thoughts. Especially not when, only the day before, I got a message from Leo. Leo, my best friend. Leo, the kid I fell in love with. Leo, the man who saved the world, and died in the process. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. Out of all the people to come back from the dead after dying so dramatically, I should've known it would've been Leo.

I know how much he craved to be noticed. I wish I could've told him that I always noticed.

I was in the kitchen when I saw Festus land on the beach behind the house. My heart jumped in my throat as I felt adrenaline overcome my body. I didn't move for a minute, though. I didn't think he'd be back so soon. I didn't get to prepare myself, and I don't know what I'll do when I see him again.

I ran my hand through my hair excessively and I tried to steady my breathing. Just like Leo to pop up at the most inconvenient of times. But my nerves didn't overcome my need to see him.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the front door. I assumed he'd still be on the beach. But he wasn't. When I opened the door, he was standing right there in the driveway.

I stopped as my eyes settled on him. He looked... well he looked amazing. His dark hair was longer, and was pulled back in a ponytail. But he couldn't keep a few curly strands from escaping and falling into his face. His skin was tanned darker, making his brown eyes shine even more. The smile he gave me was hesitant, and much softer than I'm used to seeing. My mind raced. I grew very aware of how long I was standing there, staring at him, but when I tried to speak no sound would come out. Leo, being himself, spoke first.

"Hey Jase..." His smile widened, and he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "You miss me?"

Upon hearing his voice, it was like the rest of the world disappeared. All I could see was him. I thought I'd be angry. I felt angry when I read that message. I felt angry for two whole months, thinking about how he left us. How he left me.

But I couldn't be angry now. Because looking at him now, all I felt was relief. And love.

So I didn't say anything. Instead I walked towards him and pulled him close to me. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, finally letting myself go. I let myself love him. Leo hugged me back, wrapping his arms around my neck. I buried my face into his shoulder, breathing him in. He smelled like smoke and sea salt.

I loved him. I loved him. I-

"I love you" Leo whispered. His voice was so soft that if I hadn't been right up against him, I'm sure I wouldn't have heard him. I couldn't keep tears from pricking my eyes. I squeezed him tighter and he let out a strangled laugh.

"You're going to kill me" He laughed as he tried to get out of my grip. But I held on, trying to calm myself down. I felt his hand run through my hair gently, and I shivered.

"Jason?" he asked, his voice soft again. I loved hearing it. I wanted to make sure I was the only one who could hear it. I took a deep breath.

"I love you too"

I tried to keep my face hidden in his shoulder, but it was difficult, since he was so much shorter than me. Leo pulled away a bit. I didn't want to, but I loosened my grip and lifted my head up. My face was hot, and I could tell that my cheeks were bright red.

But Leo... He looked as beautiful as ever. And his smile was bright and genuine. It felt like a dam bursted in my gut. All I felt was love and admiration. Leo placed his hands on either side of my face. His fingertips were calloused but his palms were soft and warm. I sighed and closed my eyes. I missed his warmth. I missed him.

I felt his breath on my face and my eyes flew open. His face was inches away from mine, his eyes focused on my lips before he looked up and met my gaze. We stayed like that for what felt like forever. Then, he smirked at me. That stupid, aggravatingly adorable smirk. The left corner of his mouth quirked up and his eyebrows scrunched together. I couldn't stop myself. I kissed him.

His lips were so warm and so soft I felt like I was melting against them. And when he kissed me back I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest.

Too soon, he pulled away and his face was flushed. He looked so cute.

"I... I'm sorry" he gasped. "I should've told you..." He looked down but I lifted his chin up.

"Yeah" I said. "You should've". I kissed him again. It felt so right. Everything about him felt right. "I forgive you".

He smiled and I smiled back at him.

"Soooo..." he smirked again. "Did you dream about me sparky?"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah. I dreamt about how I was going to pummel you as soon as you got back"

"Ha!" Leo leaned in and kissed my cheek. "You couldn't even if you wanted to"

"You're right," I sighed. "I love you too much".

Leo cringed.

"Are you going to be throwing around that word a lot?"

"As long as it annoys you, absolutely"


Author's note: And that's the story! I might do an epilogue, but this pretty much marks the end of events I'll be writing about in Storm and Fire. Thanks so much for reading!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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