Tsubaki's loyalty

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"Who do you think that man was?" Tsubaki asked, handing Black*Star a coke. "Don't know, but he looked awfully familiar. I have seen him before, I know it." he answered. "And he was talking to Maka on the funeral like he knew her." he explained. He saw Maka talking to a very suspicious man on the funeral. Where he had seen him before? he started replaying memories of his past, to see if he could remember him. "Yeah, I knew it!" he exclaimed. Tsubaki looked at him confused. "You remember him?" he asked. "I think so. When I was, like, seven years old. I was walking to Maka's house to play, and I saw him knocking on her door. When her mom opened it, they started shouting at each other. I didn't hear it, but they seemed so angry." He finished. That man was weird, why was he talking to Maka? He looked so interested in talking to her. "Black*Star, maybe they were just having a normal conversation about her mom. Maybe that man was a friend of Kami, and they just had an argument back then." Tsubaki said, Black*Star frowned. "That man is so suspicious." "Whatever you say, detective." She joked.

At Maka and Soul's house ~

Soul put down the last letter. He looked like he just saw a ghost. He was sitting next to Maka on the sofa, she was hugging her knees, waiting for his reaction. Nothing. He stayed quiet, glancing at the paper. The silence was dense. "Say something." Maka demanded, and Soul pressed his back against the sofa, and looked at her in disbelief. "Maka, this is serious shit. We're talking about something that's been going on since 1996." he breathed. She stayed quiet, looking at the paper, still hugging her knees. He spoke again. "Does Spirit know?" he asked. "I... I don't know. I know the same as you do. Kai just told me how he met my mom. Nothing else." she explained. "So you have to see that Kai guy again. But how do you know he didn't leave? maybe he's long gone now." "I said the same thing to him, and he said that he couldn't leave me. I guess now I know why." she sighed. "What are you gonna do now?" Soul asked. Maka wanted to avoid that question, because she had no idea at all. "I want to see Kai. I want to know more about this thing. Maybe he'll know what to do." she pointed. "Remember that you just met him, you can't trust him yet. And you don't know where he is." Soul said. "I think I know a place." she said with confidence. Soul looked at her worried. Maka stood up, taking a jacket. "Where are you going­­­­­?" the scythe asked. "I'm going to find Kai." was her response, before leaving. She walked, and walked. Thinking about her mama; about how she lied to her. Maka always thought her mom was the most honest person in the world. She always looked at her eyes and saw warm feelings. Care, joy, love. Was it all a lie? she hid a big lie for years. She never told the truth, and maybe she never even considered telling it. Yes, papa cheated on her, but what she did was worse. She got pregnant from another man. For the first time in her life, she felt sorry for her dad. He deserved to know the truth back then. Kami didn't want her family to break, but she should've told. How could she hide it for all these years? the pain must have been unbearable. Why? why didn't she tell Maka? And the worst thing was that her mama couldnt answer her. She was gone, but it feels like she is still here.

At Death City's Cementary ~

She stopped walking, she had arrived to her destination. Death City Cementary. Maka entered the cementary, feeling chills on her spine. All those graves, all those dead people. She stopped in front of a grave, reading the text on the tumbstone.

Kami Albarn
1978 - 2012
Scythe Meister, loving wife and mother.

Her eyes watered. Oh, her mother was so young. This shouldn't have happened, her mama should be alive. But if she was, maybe Maka would have never known the truth. She would be calling 'papa' to someone who wasn't her father. "It hurts, doesn't it?" she heard, knowing who it was. "How did you know I was here?" Kai asked. "I would be here too, if I were you. And yes, it does hurt." she murmured, then spoke again. "But I don't know what hurts the most. She lied. To papa. To me." a tear fell down her cheek, but her eyes never left the tumbstone.  "She is still your mother, Maka." Kai told her. "She did lie, but Kami still loved you and Spirit. She still gave you everything you needed and helped you become who you are today. She went through all these years hiding the pain from lying to you, smiling falsely and crying when no one was watching. She was a strong woman, stronger than you think." He finished. "I... I never thought of it that way. I dont know what to do, Kai. I cant just go on with my life and act like this never happened. Does... does Spirit know?" she asked, it didn't feel right to call Spirit papa anymore. "I never told him, neither did your mother, as far as I know. Do you want my advice?" he asked. She nodded. "We should talk to him. I think he deserves to know." he said. Maka nodded again, realizing he was right.  "But... I still want to know you better. We are related after all." she said, noticing surprise in Kai's eyes.  "I think it's fair. Want to go for a drink? my treat." he offered. Maka sighed and smiled, nodding again. Maybe she could learn to be with Kai, to know how her actual father really is. He deserved a chance, and it was worth a try.

At BlackStar and Tsubaki's house ~

"A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound... body?" BlackStar tried. Tusbaki smiled and nodded, then she pecked him on the lips. They had a little test tomorrow, and BlackStar did not want to study. Tsubaki thought for a moment, then came up with an idea that would help him. Every time he acerted a question , he would earn a kiss. It was actually working for him, as long as he could kiss her, he was happy. "I think we deserve a break." she said, stretching. He stood up, with a proud smile on his face. "This is awesome, I'm already the strongest guy in all the academy, but now I'm gonna be the smartest!" he exclaimed. Tsubaki giggled. "Sure thing, BlackStar." she stood up, and walked towards the kitchen. BlackStar saw her leaving, then started thinking. When she says those things, does she really mean it? or does she say it to make him shut up? a lot of people had already said to him how much of a pain he was, was he a pain for Tsubaki too? his doubts got the best of him.
Maybe she was tired of him. Of him shouting and screaming how he was gonna surpass god. She said 'sure thing' or 'of course, BlackStar', but maybe that is not wha she is thinking. He walked towards the kitchen, to find his weapon drinking water. Something was wrong with him, she noticed immediately. "Is everything okay, BlackStar?" she asked. His obnoxious self came up. "Actually, no" he admitted. Tsubaki frowned. "What is it?" "I don't think you realize how amazing is the god you have for boyfriend." she raised an eyebrow. What is with him? "Y-Yeah, I do. Why would you say that?" she asked, confused. BlackStar shook his head, making her more confused. "You dont. I mean, you are always agreeing with me when I talk about how awesome I am. But is that what you really think?" he asked. Tsubaki was completely lost, why is he doubting about her loyalty? that hurt her a little, to be honest."Of course it is what I really think. What makes you-" "Well I don't believe it." he interrupted. Her eyes widened. "What do you mean you don't believe it?" she asked in disbelief. She did not see that coming. Not from his mouth. "I-I mean, maybe you think I'm a pain in the ass like everybody else. Maybe you are lying to me." he couldn't control what he was saying. The words escaped his lips and he couldn't stop them. He did not want to say that, and his heart broke a little when he saw her expression. She was hurt, he could see it. Shit, he was so tough. He had never seen her with that face. "You have got to be kidding me." she murmured. "After all we've been through, you think that of me? You think that I would lie to you like that? I have never ever doubt about you for one single second, I was always the one who stayed to hear your speeches when everybody left. I always agreed with you in everything, BlackStar. I have never lost my faith in you. But it seems that... that is not enough for you. You don't know me as well as I thought you did." she left to her room. BlackStar sighed, not really understanding what just happened. He just knew that Tsubaki was mad at him. But wait, he didn't want that! why did he say those things? this was the very first time that she got mad at him. Which was unbelievable, because he made a lot of mistakes. How could he get her to forgive him?

Life and DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora