Soul against Spirit

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Soul pulled off at Chupacabra's, sighing. 'How on earth can this be opened at half past three?' he thought, entering the place. A man behind a bar called him. "Hey kid! aren't you a little young to be here?" he said, as Soul rolled his eyes. "I'm looking for Blair." he said, as the man nodded. "She's back there with the girls, with a client. Suit yourself." he explained, as Soul thanked him and walked until he found Blair.. but not only her. Spirit sat on a large couch, surrounded by three girls, Blair being one of them. A glass of a brown liquid was on his left hand, while his right hand rested on one of the girl's ass. 'This man makes me sick.' he thought, as Spirit made eye contact with him. "Eater! What are you doing here?" he asked, and Soul could perfectly smell the whiskey on his breath. "I wanted to talk to Blair." he said, as Blair smiled and walked up to him. "Hello there my scythey boy! What do you want Blair for?" she asked, as Soul sighed. "Maka's having someone for dinner today, and she asked to come here and ask you not to come home today. And if you do, do it in your cat form and as quietly as possible." he explained, as Blair nodded happily. "Okey-dokey! Don't you wanna stay a little longer?" she asked, as Soul almost laughed at her question. "No thank you." He answered, turning to leave. Every second he spent here he was more disgusted. Once he was out, he heard someone calling him, as Spirit appeared in front of him. "What do you want?" he asked, trying not to be too harsh. "How's Maka doing?" he asked, alcohol still present on his voice. "She's okay." he simply answered, his anger at this 'man' growing. "I'm glad to hear that. You better be taking care of her, unless you want me to rip you apart." he said, threatening. Soul's eyes widened. "Excuse me?" he exploded. "You heard me. You're her partner and-" he started. "Her partner!" Soul interrupted. "First, of course I'm taking care of her, unlike you. And second, I don't know if you've realized, but you're her father and you are the one who should be with her right now!" he said, as Spirit's eyes widened. "Listen, shorty-" "no, you listen." he interrupted again. "Do you know all the time she spent on her room crying her eyes out while you were here getting drunk? She passed out on the school, she spent days without eating, she was sad and she needed you. I was the only one comforting her while she was crying and screaming how much she missed her mother. You weren't there, I was. And you call yourself a father? you're disgusting, and I'm not going to waste my time with you, so get out of my way." he hissed, as Spirit stood quiet and watched as Soul got on his motorcycle and left, probably to his home to comfort Maka while he was here, not with her. He's been such an asshole.
Soul rode on his motorcycle in anger. 'How dare he ask me how Maka is, when he perfectly knows she's not okay. Well, how is he supposed to know, he's been living in that god damn bar while Maka was crying her eyes out. Then he has the guts to threaten me about taking care of her. He doesn't care about Maka as half as I do. That bastard." he thought, holding tighter the motorcycle. He decided to ride around the city to calm down, every time he thought about how much pain Spirit has caused to Maka, he wanted to punch something, and he didn't want to go home in that mood. When he arrived to his house, he opened the door to be greeted with a smell of pasta, as Maka stood in the kitchen wearing an apron. The image made Soul smile, as she turned to him. "There you are!" she said taking off the apron. "What took you so long?" she said, walking up to him. Just then, Soul remebered last night, when Maka cried in his chest about his father. 'For once, I thought he would be here for me, to support me...' she said. She looked so sad and impotent, as he brought her to his chest on a tight hug. Maka didn't really understand why he was hugging her, but she just hugged him back. "Maka... I love you, you know that don't you?" he said, hugging her even tighter. "Yeah... and I love you, Soul. Is something wrong?" she asked, as Soul pulled away. "Yeah, I just felt like saying it. Everything's cool." he assured her, as her frown dissapeared. She knew something had happened with Soul, but she decided to let it go.

A few hours later

A knock on the door interrupted Maka's thoughts as she took the apron off and sighed deeply. "I can see how nervous you are from here. Just relax, will ya?" Soul said, standing up from the couch. He walked up to her and kissed her forehead. "It'll be just fine." he assured her, as Maka smiled and opened the front door. There stood Kai, dressed in a plain black shirt and jeans, followed by a tall, blonde woman and a little girl. She recognized them form the photos Kai had shown her. After the brown haired guy greeted her and Soul, he spoke. "Maka, this is my wife, Mei. And my daughter, Saori." he introduced, as she just smiled and greeted them. She started to get nervous, but Soul held her hand and squeezed it, trying to calm her down. "Guys, I've already told you about Maka, and her partner Soul." he said to his family. "Look at you." said Mei, standing in front of Maka and cupping her cheeks with her hands. "You are such a gorgeous young lady. You actually look like Kai." she said, looking deeply into Maka's eyes. The green eyed girl pulled away slightly, something about that woman made her unsure. "Thank you." she said. Soul, in the other hand, felt something pulling at his t-shirt. He turned to be greeted by Maka's half little sister. "Your eyes are weird." Saori stated. "Thank you?" Soul frowned, as Kai spoked. "Saori, keep your manners."

At the DWMA ~

"Where's Maka?" Liz asked Tsubaki when she entered the room with BlackStar. They were waiting outside the infirmary of the DWMA, while Stein was checking on Kid. "She was having dinner with Kai and her family today, remeber? Besides, she has a lot going on, and I don't want her getting stressed." Tsubaki admitted, as Liz nodded. "What happened?" BlackStar spoke, feeling a little tired. Just as Stein came out of the room, the four of them looked at him, as he sighed. "Just as I expected, someone has introduced black blood inside Kid's body." he said, as Tsubaki gasped. "Liz, Patti, you don't have idea how this could've happened, do you?" he asked, as the sisters shook their heads. Patti sat down, sighing. Then she remembered. "Oh, hello. Yes, I am lost. Maybe you could help me find a library." a woman's voice sounded in her head. "You're such a nice young man" her eyes widened. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Patti screamed at the memory, understanding the situation. Liz, BlackStar, Tsubaki and even Stein jumped at the sudden outburst. "Patti! why'd you do that?" Liz said, as Patti jumped impatiently. "I remember something! the other day me and Kid were going over to Tsubaki's house and we found this woman and she had this weird look and she was staring at Kid all the time and she was freaking me out and-" she breathed. "Patti, relax. What are you saying about a woman?" Stein calmed her. "A woman we found on the streets asked us where the nearest library was, and while Kid was explaining her she couldn't get her eyes off of him, like she was escaning him." she explained slower. "What did she look like?" he asked. "She was young, around thirty. She was blonde and had brown eyes. It happened the same day that Tsubaki told us about that Katherine girl." she said. "Katherine?" Stein turned to Tsubaki. "Well... yeah. The other night a girl knocked on our door and said that her name was Katherine, then she passed out. We decided to wait until she woke up to tell us where her parents were and went to sleep. When we woke up, she was gone..." she explained, then shrieked at the thump she heard. The Thompson sisters, Stein and Tsubaki turned and gasped, finding BlackStar on the floor breathing heavily, one of his arms resting on a chair for him to lean on. "BlackStar!" Tsubaki panicked, running to his side as well as Stein at her partner, then back at Stein. He frowned, trying to understand the connection between the unknown woman and Katherine. "Help me take him to the infirmary, and I'm gonna check on all of you as well." he decided, frowning. "But please, call Maka and Soul and tell them to come immediately."

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