Strange man

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Soul held her for a little while. He was happy knowing that she would go for him when she needed someone, to be that someone. She hugged him thighter, trying to disappear, as he sighed resting his chin on her head. 
"It hurts." Maka said in between sobs. "I know. Lord Death said we could go home. Let's go." he picked the broken girl up bridal style, since she was so weak to walk when she collapsed. Maka never stopped sobbing.

"There you go." he said, handing her a hot chocolate with caramel. Since forever, only Soul knew how to make hot chocolate exactly the way she liked it. She never understood why though. He sat next to her on the sofa and looked at her eyes. They were as green as usual, but they were drowning in sadness. Her cheeks were red and her skin was still pale. He started to worry that she may fall ill. Maka hasn't said a word since they got home, she just sobbed. Not as loud as before, but low sobs escaped her mouth once a while, she couldn't control it. Her eyes started to water again. "I'm so sorry, Maka." he started off, his voice was deep and hoarsely, but serene and gentle at the same time. She took a sip of her drink and looked at him, cracking a sad smile. "I just -sob- don't understand. It's not fair." she voiced. Soul watched her as she had to put the cup on the table with two hands. Her hands were shaking. She pressed her back on the sofa and hugged her knees. Soul put one arm around her, and brought her closer. "I know. But you have to be strong." He pressed his forehead against hers, and immediately backed away. "You're burning up!" he excalimed. "Wait right here." Maka sighed sadly as she saw him leave, then come back with a blanket and a thermometer. He put the blanket over her. "Here" he said, handing her the thermometer. She put it on her mouth, as he sat next to her again. He put a hand on her forehead and his expression worried. "You don't have to do this, you know." she said, then sobbed a little "I don't wanna be a burden for you." she finished. Soul gave her an are-you-serious glance. "Shut up, Maka. You always take care of me when I'm sick. Anyways, you sound really hoarsely." he explained her. "My throat hurts." she admitted, taking her hot chocolate once again. "Yeah, I guessed so. You should try to get some rest, okay? I have to do some things but I'll be right here when you wake up." he reassured her. Maka nodded, and he kissed her forehead, then took the thermometer from her mouth. She had fever, so he just let her to get some sleep, and left her on the sofa. Maka finished her chocolate and put it on the table. Soul was being so caring with her. She had to thank him after, but right now she felt so tired. She opened a little drawer from a side table that was next to her and pulled out her iPod and her headphones. The sweet and soft voice of Ryan Tedder filled her ears.

It's been a long time coming since I've seen your face
I've been everywhere and back trying to replace
Everything I've had since my feet went numb
Praying like a fool that's been on the run

Heart still beating but it's not working
It's like a million dollar phone that you just can't ring
I reached out trying to love but I feel nothing

Yeah, my heart is numb.

She let out a tear at the lyrics of this song.

But with you, I feel again...
Yeah with you, I can feel again...
I'm feeling better since you know me
I was a lonely soul
But that's the old me

It's been a long time coming since I've seen your face
I've been everywhere and back trying to replace
Everything I've broke since my feet went numb
Praying like a fool that just shot a gun

Heart still beating but it's not working
It's like a hundred thousand voices that just can't sing
I reached out trying to love but I feel nothing

Oh, my heart is numb.

She sang along the chorus very low, enjoying this song. Enjoying the thing that made her mind stay away from the horrible thing that happened to her today.

A little wiser now
From what you show me
Yeah, I feel again
Feel again..

"I can't believe it..." Crona sighed. Tsubaki moved the food on her plate a little more, then gave up. "I'm not hungry.."
Depression was written all over their faces, and it was noticeable. "C'mon, you guys!" BlackStar exclaimed, earning the attention of all of them. "I know it's hard, but we all know Maka! She'll go through it. She's almost as strong as me!"  he said. "He's kinda right." Liz agreed "Maka just needs to be accompanied right now." she finished.
"Oh, I know what to do!" Patti said, smiling lightly.


Maka walked down the street. It was very foggy, she couldn't see where she was going, but she knew it was in Death City. Not a single person was on the streets, it was obscuring and fear was growing on her. She sighed deeply and walked a little more. In front of her, a figure. She couldn't see who it was because of the fog, but he spoke to her. "We meet again..." he said, with sadness on his voice. She recognized it immediately. "It's you. The man that I've been seeing on my dreams. Who are you?" she asked, arming herself with bravery. "Life asked death, 'why do people love me, but hate you?'" he started. Maka frowned. "What do you mean?"
"You know what death answered, Maka?" he asked her. Maka tried to see him better, but it was no use. Stupid fog. "No." she said. Maka watched as he started to disappear. 'Oh no you don't' she thought, and satrted running towards him. The fog was denser, and she couldn't see him. She couldn't see anything, but she could hear some voices.

"How's she doing?"  that sounded like.. Tsubaki?
"Not so good. She's sick." Soul! What is happening?
"Poor Maka. She was so bond with her mother." That voice belonged to Kid.
"They were so close when she was a kid. You can't even imagine."
BlackStar. She tried to follow the voices, they sounded closer and closer, until she reached them.

Maka opened her eyes slowly. She was back on her sofa, with the blanket. Exactly the way she fell asleep, except there was no trail of her iPod and headphones. She felt immediately a strong pain on her throat and her body made her cough it away. Her loud coughs brought the attention of all her friends, who were on her house visiting her.  "MAKAA!" she heard. That must have been Patti. She opened her eyes to be greeted with a strong weight over her. Patti was above her, hugging her. "Oh Maka I was sooo worried about you. How're you feeling? You need something? Just tell me. Don't worry, Patti's here, there's nothing to be worried about." She said with a reassuring smile. "Well... a little of oxygen would be alright." Maka said, breathless. Patti giggled and stood up, Maka sat up and opened her eyes fully. Woah. All of them were there. Patti, Liz, Kid, Tsubaki, BlackStar, even Crona. She tried to smile to them, but it was impossible. Tsubaki was the first one to talk. "I'm so sorry, Maka." she said in her sweet voice. Oh, Maka loved Tsubaki way too much. She always cared for her. "It's okay. I just need time to take it in. That's all." she explained. Her friend handed her a piece of paper." Professor Stein told me to give this to you." Maka opened the paper and read it. It was just about the place and hour where the funeral would take place. She thanked Tsubaki. Maka stood up, letting the blanket fall on the sofa. Oh, the funeral. She hated funerals. All those people in black clothes, sad expressions, giving their condolences and stuff. Now, not only she had to go to a funeral, but she had to go to her own mom's funeral. To watch how they buried her forever. Say her last goodbye. Her eyes watered, she couldn't stop it. No, they couldn't see her like this.  "I-I'm sorry." she dropped the paper on the floor, then ran to her room. She locked herself inside, panting, choking on her tears again. She tried to make it lower so her friends wouldn't hear her cries. She sat on the floor, trying to calm herself down.


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