The Battle Begins

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As the night in Death City had fallen, Maka Albarn stood in the cementery, her weapon in hand, along with her was BlackStar, Stein and their weapons. "Are you sure he'll be here?" the assassin asked. "Dead sure. It's just a matter of time before he shows up." Maka assured. After three seconds, Maka's nose twitched. "Witches' souls." Stein murmured, holding on to the mace that was Marie. A laughter was heard, as if it was from a child, making the three mesiters frown. "Ne, ne... look at this, we have visitors here..." a voice sounded, as the blue-haired guy and his weapon recognized it inmediately. "Katherine..." Tsubaki spoke sadly. They all turned to where the voice came from, surprised of how the little girl looked now completely different. Her long blonde hair was now in high pigtails and her blue eyes had now dilated pupils, and she wore a short long-sleeved pink dress and was sitting on a floating broom. "Hi, Nee-chan." She greeted with a smile, looking at Maka. "Nee-chan my ass. Where's Life?" she asked, earning a look of surprise from the little witch. It was hard for Maka, thinking that tonight she may lose the only family she has left, but it had to be done. "If you want Otosan, you'll have to fight me." She pointed at herself, as Maka was about to talk but someone chuckling interrupted her. "Don't worry, Maka. I'll take care of this pest." BlackStar said decisively. "What did that blue-haired monkey call me?" Katherine raised her eyebrow at the assassin. "WHO YOU CALLIN' MONKEY, YOU WITCH?" BlackStar charged against her with his chain scythe in his hands. He held on to her broom and jumped, trying to hit Katherine with a kick, but she grabbed his ankle with one hand, then made some kind of white light appear on the other. The witch landed her palm on BlackStar's chest as the light grew stronger, making him land hardly on the floor. Stein and Maka looked at him expectantly, relieved when he got up again. "You look like a very fun toy." Katherine laughed. "Your soul will fit perfectly in my collection..." BlackStar said ...because I don't have any, he finished in his mind. Stein's eyes widened as he turned around, another strong light, this time it had a scarlet color, charged at him and the younger meister. Soul transformed back into his human form and protected Maka, being hit by the attack as well as Stein. Maka coughed from the steam, realizing she was on the floor, with her weapon of top of her. "Soul!" she said, worrying for his well-being. "I'm okay, don't worry." He assured, standing up and helping her. Inmediately images form the first fight with Crona flashed in her mind; Maka made a promise to herself. I will not let Soul get hurt because of me again. I will not take the risk of losing him! She stood up, seeing Stein next to her. "Everyone okay?" he asked, as Maka and Soul nodded. Once the steam cleared off, they saw a woman walking towards them. Maka seemed to recognize her, as she held tighter her partner's arm, exclaiming "Mei!". The witch now was wearing a tight, mid-sleeved red dress and red lipstick, her short blonde hair flowing with the wind. "Actually, the name's Debora. And what do we got here? Maka Albarn and her weapon and- oh? Death's son doesn't seem to be here today. Don't tell me he didn't make it." She laughed, putting her hands on her hips. "Soul, take Maka away from here. I will personally take care of her." Stein ordered, as Maka was about to refuse but Soul took her wrists and dragged her away. They ran until at a point, Maka stopped abruptly and focused her sight on a certain grave. "Maka, what-" Soul stopped, realizing what she was looking at. In front of her stood Kami Albarn's grave, someone had put a flower on top of it. "Sad, isn't it?" they heard, as both turned to see the man that had caused all this trouble. "You..." Maka frowned at Kai, Life, who stood in a suit and his hair up in a quiff. Expecting a battle to begin, Soul transformed into a scythe and landed on Maka's hands, who looked determined at Life. "I have no intention on fighting my own daughter, Maka. I'm here to take you with me." He explained, as the girl frowned. "Why do you think I didn't try to poison you with black blood? My plan is to take you with me, so we could finally be a family. When you were born, I did everything in my hand to take my responsabilites as your father, but Kami just wouldn't let me. As time passed, I got married and gave up on you, and continued with my life. But when I found out about Kami's death... my heart broke. I made a promise to myself that I would find you and take you with me. All I've done... was for your sake." Life said, slowly walking towards Maka, who just made the grip on her scythe tighter and ran towards him, not thinking twice. "For my sake?!" she tried to hit him, but he dodged it. "You hurt my friends!!" Maka battled him fiercely. "You lied to me!!" her face became more determined as she fought. "YOU KIDNAPPED MY PAPA!" She screamed, as Kai took her arm and swung, sending her flying and hitting a tree. "That's a lie." Life stated, lifting his arm as a blue light came out, and Spirit appeared tied to a tree, several wounds on his arms. "Hello there, Spirit." Life greeted, getting a glance from the Death Scythe. "P-Papa..." Maka called, getting up from the floor. "D-Don't you... hurt my daughter... you bastard..." Spirit spoke, making Kai laugh. "Well, now this will be an interesting family meeting."

To BlackStar and Tsubaki ~

"Stop! You're giving me headache!" Katherine groaned, tired of the blue-haired guy using his SpeedStar and hitting her when she less expects it. She just couldn't get a hold of him. "I SAID STOP!!" Katherine shot another spell, this time hitting the guy, who tripped and hit the floor, then stood up. "You really are a pain in the ass." He hissed, as the girl frowned. "Look who's talking! You wouldn't recognize an insult if it bit you in your obnoxious ass!" she yelled, seeing how BlackStar smirked, then turned completely black. "What the-" she raised one eyebrow in confusion, her blue orbs widening when she saw him turn into a girl, Tsubaki, to be more precise. "Shadow Star." She whispered. Katherine then realized she had been tricked, and she felt a figure behind her. "TALKING ABOUT BITTING IN THE ASS..." she heard, then turned around, but it was too late. "BLACKSTAR BIG WAVE!!" was the last thing she heard before being sent flying to the ground, her body weaker. She saw the guy walking at her, as Katherine sat up. "Alright, I didn't want to do this... but I see I have no option." She said, suddenly jumping on BlackStar with a strong light. "BLACKSTAR!" Tsubaki shouted, speechless of how the light envolved them both. Somehow the assassin got to kick her off of him once he could recover his senses, but then realized he had a mark on his neck. It looked like a choker, it was glowing white, and the witch had one too. "What the hell is this?" he asked, confused. "We're both screwed, you know. I casted a spell that only works if it's casted on the witch too. In three minutes, that choker on your neck will explode, along with mine, and we'll both die!" she yelled, along with a crazy laughter. "What?! Have you gone crazy?!" BlackStar asked, panicking. Tsubaki could help but gasp, the thought of her partner and boyfriend dying made the air leave her lungs. "Katherine, don't do it!" she pleaded, for the sake of BlackStar. "Don't even try, once this spell is casted there's no going back. And I forgot to tell you," she pointed. "If the person that has the choker attacks the caster, the attack will also affect them as well. That means, any hit you lay on me, will cause you damage!" she said, very proud of herself. "And you know what's best? That doesn't work for the caster! So, before I die, I will make sure you and your girlfriend suffer!" Katherine made her hands glow white and charged towards both of them. Inmedaitely Tsubaki knew Katheirne had gone mad, so mad as to kill herself in order to defeat her opponent. The chain scythe hugged his boyfriend protectively, but before the witch could reach them, a strong pain hit her right arm, making her stop to look at the bleeding wound. "OH, COME ON, WHAT NOW?!" She groaned, holding her arm in pain, as another laugh sounded, this time it wasn't crazy. Katheirne looked up as well as Tsubaki and BlackStar, confused. "Is that a freaking pumpkin!?" she asked.

"Hahahaha! I have come to help! Nyaaa!" 

To Maka and Soul ~

"It's nice to finally meet you, Spirit. It was about time we met." Life smirked, as Spirit looked up at him. "Believe me, I know who you are." He admitted, making both him and Maka frown. "You were Kami's affair, when we got married. And you're also Maka's biological father..." he said, as Maka's eyes widened, she stood up and leaned on her scythe. "You knew?" Life raised his eyebrows, disarmed. "Kami couldn't bear to hide it from me, she confessed everything six years after Maka was born. Our relationship changed completely, I was broken, and I looked for comfort in another women." He said, as Maka's eyes watered. "You... why didn't you tell me?" she asked, clenching her scythe. "Because you loved and admired Kami so much, I didn't want you to grow up thinking your mother was a bad person. You were better off hating me instead of Kami." Spirit said, tears down his face. "And, well, when she passed out you already had Soul, I thought you didn't need me. I thought my little girl was already gone for me." He sobbed. Maka's eyes widened, realizing she had lived her entire life thinking Spirit was a heartless cheater who didn't love her nor Kami when, in reality, the reason he cheated was because the only woman he had loved lied to him and his daughter was not his biological daughter. That still isn't an excuse for cheating, but both him and Kami had done it. Still, both parents did the best they could in raising Maka and help her become the strong person she is today. Kami and Spirit were good parents."That's enough!" Life yelled, making a blue light as he shot it at Spirit. "Papa!" Maka called, but gasped seeing that he had turned into his death scythe form, landing on Kai's hand. "Come on, I was on the same clan as Lord Death because of tricks like this one." Kai explained. "He forced Spirit to change into a Death Scythe and he can't change back." Soul said out loud. "Impressive, right? Now, you'll have to decide, Maka. Come with me and have the opportunity of meeting your real family, or die right here." Kai said, determined. Maka looked down, her bangs covering her face, ignoring the pain she had on her thigh and swung Soul like a lightweight. "I'd rather die than call you my family. Come at me." She pointed at Kai, as he smirked. "So be it, Maka Albarn."

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