Is it him?

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"Please! Oh, pretty pretty please!" Blair suplicated. "Blair, if I let you go, will you shut up?" Maka asked her. "Yes! pinky promise!" she said excitedly. "Then go and shut up already!" Soul complained from the sofa. Blair transformed into her human form and picked up her bag. "Bye, my scythey boy!" she said. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you there, Maka?" Soul asked. "It's okay, we'll walk. Bye Soul!" she smiled. "Bye" he said. 

Half way to Kid's house Blair got tired and transformed into her original form, making Maka carry the two bags. Oh well. They turned a corner, a Maka dropped the two bags on the floor. "Maka, are you okay?" the cat asked. Right there, leaning on a post... the man. The man with the very blue eyes. Maka blinked a couple of times. There was no doubt, it was him. He turned his head, making eye contact with her. He looked as surprised as her when he saw her. "Maka! who's that man?" Blair shouted. The man started to run on the opposite direction, and she started running after him instinctively, Blair calling her name behind her. That man was fast, it was hard for Maka to keep up. But she could see him, she was close enough to follow him. One way or another, he has to stop. And when he does, she would catch up with him. He turned a corner to a dead end. Yes! Maka turned the same corner. Nothing. It was a dead end, but no one was there. "SHIT!" She screamed.

"Maka! There you are!" she turned to see Blair on one of her pumpkins. "What the hell are you doing?"  She was panting. Shit, he escaped. Somehow, he managed to escape her. Or not. Maybe she imagined everything. No, she wasn't crazy. He was real, Blair saw him. What the hell was he doing here? this gave Maka a chance. Maybe she would see him again. He was here, in Dead City! He has the answers she's searching, and she was willing to find him again. "It's nothing... I thought I knew that man. Let's go." was her explanation. Blair shruggered and followed her.

"Hi! How you doing?" Patti asked.

"Great! How are you, Patti?" Tsubaki replied. 

"Woah, I'm great, too!" she giggled. "Come on, Maka and Blair are already here!" 

The slumber party was actually great, they had a big time together. At was the first time they were all girls since long ago. They talked about girl things, about make up, periods and that stuff. They played twister, and they almost die from laughing so hard. They watched romantic movies, and they cried, leaning against each other. They ordered a pizza, and the girls dared Liz to flirt with the delivery guy, who gave her his phone number. Right now they were eating the pizza and talking, it was 20:00. It was hard to believe they spent the entire afternoon laughing and playing.

"Okay, Tsubaki. On a scale from one to ten, how good of a kisser is BlackStar?" Liz asked. Tsubaki blushed, hard.

"She blushed! That means he's a good kisser!" Patti laughed. "We got you, Tsubaki." Maka joked.

"Well... he's not bad. I'll give him a eight." she confessed. Liz had a not-bad look, and Patti was giggling. Maka just found the thought of his childhood best friend kissing repulsive. 

"By the way, where's Kid?" Tsubaki asked. "Don't know. He left hours ago, before you guys came. And he hasn't return." Liz explained. "Should we be worried?" Maka asked.

"Nah, I don't think so. Kid's so self-contained, he wouldn't even tell us where he was going." Patti said giggling. 

"Oh, I got it! Let's see who can draw the best giraffe!" She offered laughing.

Maka and Tsubaki glared at each other. Well, they were kinda right. He was probably okay.

The rest of the night was even funnier. They made prank calls, played truth or dare, actually draw giraffes, and lots of things. When they woke up the next morning, Liz went upstairs and saw Kid lying on his bed, safe and sound. She let out a relieved sigh, and went back downstairs. They had breakfast- Well, they had popcorn and sweets that remained from last night. When it was almost two, Maka and Blair decided to go home. Maka was kinda worried that Soul could be so lazy that he didn't even bother cooking for himself. When they arrived, everything was how they left it. Even the dishes were done. And it smelled clean. Maka and Blair looked at each other, thinking the same.

"Soul!" Maka shouted. Soul, came out of his room, wearing his pajamas. "Hey, you guys are back." he pointed.

"You cleaned, my scythey boy!" Blair exclaimed. "Of course I did. Last time I didn't SOMEONE Maka chopped me so hard it hurt for almost a week." he pointed at Maka. "Well, every time you are alone you make a mess. Remember when I bought that no-tears shampoo, and then left to Tsubaki's house? You poured it directly on your eyes." "I wanted to see if it was accurate!" he exclaimed. "You went blind for two days." she replied. “It was worth it.” He stuck his tongue out.

Sunday went just like any other day. Tsubaki and BlackStar cuddled all morning, then on the afternoon, she forced him to study at least a little, since school was starting tomorrow. Maka wanted to study, but Soul hid all her books so she could have some fun with him, and stop the mushrooms to grow on her head. He's been doing this for a while now, Maka was wondering what was with him acting like this. But she got to spend more time with, and she was okay with it. Liz and Patti spent all the day watching movies, without moving from the sofa, and when Kid got up, he joined them. 

Today was Monday. It was a great day, they would come back to their beloved academy. Tsubaki's routine started again, and she was happy. She woke up at five, showered, dressed, and did her hair. At six, she woke up BlackStar, who gave her a 'good morning' kiss. That was not a part of her routine, but she didn't complain. They had breakfast together, BlackStart dressed and they left at almost seven.

Maka was wide awake and ready. She was preparing breakfast, and she knew Blair would wake up her lazy partner. Perhaps with a nosebleed. She heard Soul shouting in surprise and then Blair laughing. Yup, he is awake. Soul got up and dressed up with his jeans, an orange shirt and a black jacket. He made his way to the kitchen and started eating with Maka, whom was trying her best not to laugh on his face. 

Kid woke up at 6:30. He fell asleep on the sofa watching movies, so did Liz and Patti on the other sofa. He stood up, threw pillows at his weapons to wake them up, and they all started to get ready as fast as they could. 


Sorry it's a bit short, but tell me what you think of it!

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