Liz's loss

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"BlackStar!" Tsubaki shouted, making the meister stand up quickly, but a weird feeling stopped him. His body felt... weaker. He almost fell to the floor but then he shook it off and run downstairs. "Have you seen Katherine?" BlackStar frowned at her question. "Who the hell is Katherine?" he asked. "The little girl that came last night. She's gone." Tsubaki explained. "Probably she woke up and left. It's what normal people do when they wake up on a strange house." he explained. "I don't know. This is so weird." she worried. "You shouldn't worry, Tsubaki. She's probably okay." he tried to comfort her, as they walked to the kitchen. BlackStar still felt his body kind of different. Oh well, he thought, it must be the fact that I almost didn't sleep. Are you okay?" Tsubaki asked him. "Yeah, I'm fine. I don't think I'll go to the academy today though." he said. "Oh, okay. I wasn't gonna go either. Since we're not taking any missions until next monday I don't see why we should be going." Tsubaki said.

At Death the Kid and The Thompson sister's house ~

"Kid! have you seen my hat?" Liz asked. The reaper just shook his head and went back to fixing his room. The books on his shelf weren't symmetrical and it was bugging him, way too much. Once it was fixed, he smiled and left to the living room, as he saw Patti sitting on the couch drawing giraffes on a piece of paper. He heard noises from upstairs, then someone groaning. Must be Liz looking for her hat, he thought, going upstairs. "Liz, didn't you go yesterday to Tsubaki's house? maybe you left it there." he suggested. "Maybe you're right. Could you go and get it for me?" she asked, pouting. Kid looked at her annoyed, as Liz talked again before he could say no. "Please Kid." she begged, as he sighed. "I'll do it, but just because I find it asymetrical that Patti's wearing a hat while you aren't." he said, leaving the room and going downstairs. "I'll go with you!" Patti giggled as Kid just nodded. "We'll be right back!" he said. "Okay Kid!" Liz laughed. Kid and Patti started walking towards his friend's house, drown in their own thoughts. Today's weather was cloudy, since there was a storm last night, the street was soaked and not a single soul was out. Or so they thought. They saw a tall blonde woman in the middle of the street. She looked lost, as Kid approached her. "Excuse me, are you lost?" he asked, causing her to turn around to face him. She had brown eyes and her skin was very pale. "Oh, hello. Yes, I am lost. Maybe you could help me find a library." she asked. Her tone was tranquile as she stared deeply at Kid. He started indicating her where was the nearest library. She nodded, understanding. When he finished, she smiled politely. "You're such a nice young man, thank you." and with that being said, she walked away from him. Kid frowned. Well, that was weird." Patti said, and continued their way towards their friend's house.

At Soul and Maka's place ~

Soul turned to his partner, who was resting her head on his shoulder, asleep. They were watching Donnie Darko, Soul's favorite movie. Maka never really liked that movie, but she liked spending time with Soul, so she accepted to watch it with him. The scythe examined her closely, thinking of all the virtues she actually had. Maka is smart, and very determined. Every time she starts something, she finishes it. She is strong, not only phisically but mentally. She pushes herself to the edge, which isn't good sometimes, but it is something admirable since not everybody can do it. She's also thoughtful and caring, she is always worrying about people around her, the people she cares about. She's warm and honest, and beautiful.' he thought, taking a better look at her body. Really beautiful... he blushed. He always loved her endless legs, her pale and soft skin, her long straight hair, her flat stomach, and her chest. Yes, he had called her flat-chested uncountable times, but he liked her just that way. And it was not like she was a surfboard, she could perfectly have a b size breast. Anyway, the way she could look absolutely beautiful with her squared shirt, or anything she wore, made him realize. Maka was stubborn, she had a short temper and she was a bookworm, but those were also some of the things he had fallen for and he would never change one single thing about that girl. He loved her, he really, really loved her. Maka opened her eyes as he blushed, hard. She sat up next to him, realizing they were still watching Donnie Darko. She looked at him, realizing his cheeks were redder. "Is everything okay?" she asked, Soul immediately nodded. "Y-Yeah, I was just... you know, watching the movie." he said nervously. He heard Maka chuckling, as she got closer to him. "Are you sure you're okay? You seem nervous." she teased. "I'm fine, just bored. You were asleep on me and I didn't want to wake you up." he explained, still not looking at her. Maka turned off the tv and the whole house went silent. "Can we talk?" she said, worry on her voice. He turned to her and realized how close they were from each other. "I guess I owe you an explanation for what happened.. you know." she said, referring to the kiss. Soul just nodding, waiting for her to go on. "I guess I've been going through a lot lately and you've been there to help me. Always." as she said those words, Maka felt more confident. "I've always thought of you as a friend, not only as a partner. You always know how to cheer me up when I need it and I am thankful for having you with me." She sighed deeply, thinking of her next words. "The thing is, you always say how things are cool or uncool and I'm afraid you'll think what I'm going to say is uncool, but you deserve to know. I... I love you, Soul." she finally admitted. Maka watched as Soul's expression went from curious to surprised, then he relaxed. Maka waited for his reaction, as she started to panic. 'Crap, I should've shut up. He obviously doesn't love me back he-" she felt Soul's arms around her waist, as he put her on his lap, their faces very close to one another. Maka was blushing like crazy, and Soul had a hint on red on his cheeks as well. He laughed at her reaction, then talked. "So, the bookworm does love me. Why didn't you say it before?" he asked. Maka's eyes widened. "Y-You love me too?" she couldn't help her smile. Soul blush a little harder, but she was honest to him, so she deserved him to be honest as well. "Of course I love you, Maka." his hands intertwined with hers. "I thought it was so uncool for a guy to confess but here I am. I guess you bring the uncool out of me." they laughed, as Maka felt much better knowing he loved her back, and being this close to him made her even happier. She was so happy to hear that from him that she couldn't help but kiss him. It started as an innocent kiss, but it was getting deeper by the second. Soul passed his tongue through Maka's lower lip, as Maka opened her mouth a little to welcome it. In a way, that kiss felt like they were confessing their feelings for each other. Maka felt Soul's hand on her waist, pulling him closer to him. The scythe felt her partner relax at his touch, and that made his heart flutter. He loved how Maka felt the same way he did, how she was now on his lap, kissing him and relaxing on him. After a couple of minutes, they pulled away. He pressed his forehead against hers, just like the first time they kissed: not a single word was needed to say, they've already said it all. "I love you." he said, and he meant it. "I love you." she repeated.


Ohayo! Maka and Soul finally confessed to each other, isn't it cute? Comment your thoughts about this chapter!

Life and Deathजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें