Joke #74

198 9 0

Yes finally no more school!!! Woohoo time for swimming, summer goals, concerts, partying, getting a bae, WOO THIS SUMMER IS GONNA BE AWESOME!!!


Ugh why is it so hot?? Maybe some donuts and orange juice would help me.

Why am I so fat?? Ughh

I look so pretty today wow. (Potato) why doESNT NO ONE LOVE ME!!?

Swimming?? In this body?? Haha no honey I don't think so.

Wow this shirt looks nice (looks a price tag) ($5.00) wow hahaha never mind. Does this store thing in a bank cause that shirt is really expensive as shitt.

Back to school:

'So what did you do this summer?'

Nothing much really just hanged out with friends....

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