Chapter 10

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I... I... Love Alex. No that's not true! fst I am sooo over him. Oh who am I kidding I just admitted I loved Alex! I need to talk to the girls.

"Jade, in here now please!" Mr Branson shouts from the room.

"Yeah sir?" I say innocently.

"Sit. Ya know I thought you and me had a normal honest student/teacher friendship kinda thing where you tell what's wrong and I help you through your problems." Mr Branson says,

"HAHA!" i laugh out loud.

"You have a crush on me..." at the moment he says this the bell rings.

"Haha, sir I'm really hungry so... I gotta go... nice chatting to ya... BIE... " I say speeding out the door and head first into...

"Alex.. I'm soo sorry, I was rushing to find Faith and... I didn't see you, I'm soo Sorry..! I say apologising and picking up his journal.

"Nah, it's cool," Alex replies smiling at me.I smile back as he says, "Talk to you later ok?"

"Yea, coarse sureeeee" I say dragging out the sure, I'm such a fool.

"Ugh, can I have my journal back please he says.

I look down to see i am in fact still in possession of his journal and as i hand it back to him I say:

" Oh, yea, sorry, well gotta run see ya later Alex" I run down the corridor to find Faith beside my locker.

"I need to talk to you like 2 minutes ago!" say to her.

"Ok, shoot" She replies.

"So I admitted to myself.. accidentally.. that I love Alex, Love being the key word!" I whisper cringing at my awkwardness.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww, that's adorable he likes you too!" She replies.

"I know right, wait WHAT!!" I say really confused.


Damn it I wasn't supposed to tell her that!

She picks up her bag takes out her journal and gently hits my arm with it a few times.

"How could you not tell me!"

"I wasn't allowed he forced me to promise not to and i broke it I'm dead! " I say.

She turned around start walking to the canteen with me when she walked into someone.

It was Alex. They both dropped they're journals and said sorry at the same time. This is just too cute!

Jalex!! I start backing away as I know What Alex is gonna say.

Flashback to yesterday afternoon.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Alex asked me.

"Yea, sure," I say back glancing at him. We're really good friends.

"Well I really like Jade and I want to ask her out tomorrow in school but I don't know if she like's me" he says looking down clearly embarrassed .

"She does totally even though she herself hasn't realized I know because of the way she talks about you and the way she looks at you and the way she ughhh.. blushes when she sees you."

"Really... Ok enough of that,Dont tell" He says.

"Ok ok I promise I won't!" I say.

End of flashback present day.

They picked up their journals and then started talking!


OK alot shorter and its adorable!

#Jalex! Loves it! <3

Ok so comment and blah blah blah...


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