Chapter 12

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Jade's POV

I had gathered my books for my last three class and they were, French, Religion and Geography.

I wait for Faith  and then we head to French. We sit in our normal seat at the front of the room on the far left of the teachers desk. We seat furthest away from the door so if someone comes in we easily see who it is.

~Skip to 5 mins before French class ends~

Our teacher writes out our homework on the board which we have to write into our journal. I open my journal immediately noticing it not my journal, It's Alex's. When we dropped them we must have picked the wrong one up. I wonder if he's noticed yet? 

Anywhoooo, i write my homework down on a piece of paper then i sign Alex's journal saying:

Jade waz ere 2k15, we bumped into each other and picked up the wrong journals #geniuses #loveyou #gf+bf #Jalex as Faith says   

~Jade xxx

I close his journal and place it on the table and then Faith snatches it and signs something as soon as she's done I open it and read:

Faith waz ere 2k15, #Jalex so cute, don't if anyone hates it, it adorable! I think of you as my guy best friend and Jade as my girl best friend so that's adorable and I think of you as an overprotective brother! #sis+bro #friendship/siblinggoals #relationshipgoals ^

~Faith ^_^

I look at Faith and smile, *knock knock* In walks Alex.

"Sorry, Mrs. Can I please Jade please," he says. I get up and walk out closing the door behind me.

"Hey, you have my journal," He states smiling and then he hugs me.

"I know, me and Faith signed it," I say as we exchange journals. He looks at me and chuckles.

"I'll read them in the next class then," He says, he looks around him as if he were checking that the corridor was empty except for us.

We were totally alone in the corridor

He looks at me and leans in, I lean in also until our lips meet and we're all of a sudden in a meaningful passionate kiss. He pushes me genteelly until I'm against the wall, his arm's around my waist and mine around his neck. His tongue genteelly brushes against my lips, obviously begging for entrance, when the bell rang and we jump away from each other. But, of coarse I was against the wall so i hit my head. Typical -_- ! 

Faith was the first to come out of my French class and she had brought my bag too. I took it off of her as she said,

"Nice make out session?" She smiled evil then giggled walking away giving us time to say goodbye and all.

"Ya know that was my first kiss," I say to him.

"Really?" He says shocked.

"Yup," I say smiling, " So I'll see you after school?"

"Yup, I'll meet you at your locker, ok?" He says.

"Yup, k," I say hugging him and walking to Religion.

I catch up to Faith and say,"How did you know?"

"You's were startled, his hair was ruffled and you guys were meters apart, + not to mention your were against the wall," she stated. "Oh, and you were both breathing heavily!"

I laugh and we go to Religion.

 ~After Religion and Geography~

I head to my locker and get out my phone and ipod from my carrier bag and put them in my pocket. I put away the books I don't need and take out the books I need for homework.

Homework: French, Maths and English.

The only other piece of homework I had was geography but I got it done in class. I place my lunch box in my bag and put my carrier bag in also. Then I felt arms lither around my waste. I flinch and realize it was Alex.

"Sorry, I got scared and ya know there are that many creeps in my class that I couldn't be sure if it was you or not," I say blushing a bit.

"It's alright, you got everything?" He asks.

"I think so, I just need to grab my PE bag from the bag racks," I say. I turn to my locker to lock it but the lock is gone.

"Missing something," Alex say dangling the lock in his hand.

"Yes, can I have it back please?" I say in a cute voice.

"Yea, here," I go to grab it but he runs of and straight into Faith who grabbed the lock and threw it to me.

"Thankinu!" I say. I lock my ocker and grab my PE bag. And you be wondering, Why do I have my PE bag if I knew I wasn't doing PE today. Well that would be because I am staying at Faith's house to night. (It's Friday) and all my clothes and stuff is in it.

"Ok, Im ready to go," I say to the two childish people in front of m, who were having a poke war.

"K, LE GO" Faith says as we head out of the school.





(P.S ummmmm......)

(P.P.S UMMMMMMMMMMMMM........................)

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