Chapter 40

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"Whattt? How does he know?" Jin asked to Hoseok

It was afternoon. Yoongi was at office and Minseok was playing in his play room. Meanwhile Hoseok video called Jin and told him everything that happened yesterday.

"I don't know hyung. He just came home and directly asked me. I asked him how he know but he told its not important." Hoseok sighed rubbing his palm on face

"How much he know"

"Everything hyung. About my parents, uncle aunt, about money, he even know that I was planning to run away before marriage." Hoseok said

"Maybe he sent someone to get information?" Jin assumed

"I also think so. But why he is doing this now hyung? After 4 yrs? Why does he want to know everything?" Hoseok asked helplessly

'Its ok Hoseok. The truth comes out at some point. Now what are you going to to about him. Are you going to forgive him?" Jin asked

"I can't forgive him hyung. I would have forgived him if it would have been just about me but you know because of him I lost..." Hoseok stopped started crying. Jin's eyes also teared up listening to Hoseok.

"Does he know about it?" Jin asked hesitantly

"No. I don't think so. He would have asked me if he knew." Hoseok answered. Jin just nodded.

" Now Minseok will be fine in 2 weeks then you will have to leave him. Did you tell Minseok about it?" Jin asked as he was worried about Minseok's reaction on it

"No I didn't. But now I will have to mentally prepare him . I will give him hints about it from today so that he won't be too much shocked." Hoseok said. Pain clear in his voice.

They talk for some more time and then hung up.

In evening Yoongi came back from work and changed his clothes after taking shower. He came downstairs and found Hoseok in living room but Minseok was not there. He took the opportunity to talk with Hoseok.

"Hoseok. I want to talk to you." Yoongi said walking towards Hoseok.

"I also want to talk to you Mr.Min" Hoseok said sitting on couch. Motioning yoongi to sit too which he did.

"You go first." Yoongi said

"Ok. I want to tell Minseok about me leaving." Hoseok came straight to the point.

"Wh-why?" Yoongi stuttered not expecting this topic suddenly

"What do you mean why Mr.Min? Now that Minseok is recovering fast it merely will take two more weeks for him to recover fully. And as per you said I will have to leave. So I want to mentally prepare Minseok so that he won't get sudden shock." Hoseok said with blank expression but inside he was hurting thinking about leaving his baby.

Yoongi's mind went blank. He wants to tell Hoseok to stay but don't know how should he.

"I am going to tell him." Hoseok got up and walked to the playroom where Minseok is leaving Yoongi in thoughts.

As Yoongi realised what Hoseok said he hurriedly got up from couch and ran towards playroom's direction. He stood in the door as he heard Hoseok speaking to Minseok with Minseok's back facing Yoongi and Hoseok sitting in front of Minseok.

"Minnie do you like to live with appa?" Yoongi heard Hoseok asking

"Yes eomma" Minseok answered

"You will be able live with him if eomma is not there right?" Hoseok questioned

"Why eomma? Are you going somewhere without minnie?" Minseok asked little panicked making Hoseok's heart clutch painfully.

"Yes baby...eomma will have to...." Hoseok got cut off as Yoongi dashed in room and hold his arms making him stand up.

"Eomma is pranking minnie...don't take it seriously play" Yoongi laughed off the topic nervously making Hoseok look at him in little anger.

"Its not..." Hoseok got cut off as Yoongi drag him out of the room and walked towards their bedroom.

"Now why you did that Mr.Min. I would have given him hint." Hoseok spoke irritated as they reach the room

"You won't say such things to him" Yoongi released Hoseok and close the door

"Why??" Hoseok asked confused and angry

"Because you are not going anywhere" Yoongi spoke with firm voice

"Huh? What do you mean?" Hoseok asked as he didn't understand

"Yes. You are not going anywhere. You will live in this mansion forever." Yoongi said looking straight at Hoseok who just stared back in disbelief

"And why is that?" Hoseok questioned making Yoongi sigh before speaking

"Hoseok I..I already did lots of things in past....I already hurted you with my words and I don't want to hurt you again by taking away your son from you. Neither I can send him away from me as he is my son also and I want to give him everything he deserves. Thats why I want you to live here as Minseok's eomma."

Hoseok just looked at him in shock and disbelief. " You think its easy this way Mr.Min? What if you found someone you want to marry? What will you do? What will I do?"

"Nothing is going to happen like that. I don't want to marry anyone. I don't trust anyone to take care of Minseok. No one will treat Minseok like their own son. And thats why I don't want a partner." Yoongi made it clear

"And what if I found someone? As you know I am just 25 and I have whole life infront of me. What if I found the one with whom I want to spend my life?" Hoseok asked crossing his arms. Now this made Yoongi clench his fist unknowingly.

The thought if Hoseok with someone else somehow bothered Yoongi but he just shrugged it off.

"We will see when it will happen. Although I am 100℅ sure you won't give someone more importance than Minseok. I know you will always choose Minseok." Yoongi said with confidence making Hoseok uncrossed his arms as he knew Yoongi was right. No way in hell Hoseok would choose some stranger over Minseok.

"Fine. I need time to think." Hoseok said making Yoongi nod

"Take your time."

Suddenly Hoseok's eyes went to the closed door making him realise that he is in the closed room with Yoongi. ALONE. making him tremble a little which Yoongi noticed.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi touched Hoseok's shoulder making him take a step away

"Y..yes....can you plz the door." Hoseok stuttered and Yoongi realise Hoseok is scared to be with him alone so he quickly went and opened the door and walked back towards Hoseok keeping safe distance.

"Now wh-what you wanted to talk about? If its about yesterday then I don't want to listen anything." Said Hoseok

"No...nothing like that. I actually got call from the principle of the school where I done Minseok's admission. His admission is done and school will start after a week." Yoongi said and Hoseok nodded.

"Ok. We should inform Minseok about it." Hoseok said and both walked towards playroom.

They inform Minseok about school who was very excited and happy to make new friends.

Soon they had dinner and slept.

To be continued....

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