Chapter 8: Trapped

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"Dipper! Dipper!" Pacifica yelled. No one answered. She dove underwater but it was too murky see. She popped up for air, "DIPPER!" She called again. This time a hand flew out of the water. Pacifica helped pull him up and all to shore.
Dipper aggressively coughed spitting out water. Pacifica helped him up.
"Thanks." Dipper said. Pacifica nodded
"We have to get back to the Shack. It should only be a few miles away."
"Hang on, Dipper your not in the position to walk a 'few miles.' I'm calling my ride." Pacifica insisted.
Dipper began looking at his soaked journal that he was able to pull from the reck.
"I don't understand at all. What's going on?"

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