Chapter 17: The Final Frontier

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The aggressive vibrating began to subside. Dipper radioed in.
"All good here, we have made it past the atmosphere." He said as he heard cheering among mission control.
"Good piloting, Dip." Pacifica said.
Everyone unfastened their straps and began to float around.
"Awesome!" Mabel could barely contain herself.
"Mabel, what's our position," Ford asked. Mabel floated back to her station.
"Uh, a few miles from the atmosphere, estimated arrival: computers says 19 hours."
An alarm beeped by Ford's station.
"What's that?" Pacifica asked.
"It looks like one of the coils were dis-alined during lift off. It's not a big problem now but it could cause us some complications on our decent back into the atmosphere." Ford stated.
"Alright, I'll go re-aline them, Dipper, you have the comm." Pacifica floated down a shaft to the lower, aft layers of the shuttle.
An hour went by. Dipper was just getting some freeze-dried food, when he was coming back to the front of the cockpit. Pacifica was still fixing the coils and Mabel was having fun floating on board.
"Whoa, whoa, what the." Dipper looked around his station.
"Meteor shower." Ford said.
"Mabel, hail mission control." Dipper commanded.
"I can't!" Mable shouted. Ford pushed himself over. He grabbed the headset.
"The comm's down it must be th.." the shuttle was hit by a meteor. Everyone lurched back.
"Dipper, you have to manually control the rocket!" Mabel worried. Dipper climbed back to his post and grabbed what looked like a joystick and steered the shuttle around the asteroids.
"We have just cleared the field bro, bro!" Mabel said with a grin.
Dipper let off a sigh of relief.
"Did that push us off course?" Ford asked.
"No we're still good." Dipper said.
"Good job, Dipper." Ford added.
In the midst of everything he forgot about Pacifica.
"Hey Pacifica, you okay down there; I'd say you better get up here." Dipper said into the comm. still laughing with joy. His smile died when there was no answer.
"Pacifica?" Everyone looked at one another. "Mabel damage report NOW!"
"Uh, uh, right." Mabel looked at her screen. "Um, it says minor haul damage, and one..." her voice slowed down, " and one haul breach in the lower, aft section."
That's where Pacifica was.

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