Chapter 3

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I looked around it was my hospital room from when I was in a coma after the fire. I looked over to the bed. It had a curtain around it. I went to pull it back. Instead of seeing we I saw Ian and Anthony. hey had burns cuts and bruises all over their bodies.

"Oh my god." Instead of me it was them in comas. People started coming in. It was the crew. Joven Mari Flitz Lasercorn Wes and Sohinki.

"It's all her fault if they wouldn't have protected her they wouldn't be here." Mari spat out. Hate was clear in her eyes.

"Yeah she should be in here not them." Sohinki said putting his hand on Mari's shoulder. Who is this she they were talking about? When I suddenly came in the room just as bad as Ian and Anthony being pushed on a gurney in the room. I was awake though. The doctors left.

"Well if it isn't the bitch that put our friends in the hospital." Lasercorn talking to me.

"I.....didn't....know......they would try to" I replied. I had put Ian and Anthony here. They had tried to save me. But why?

"Yeah well if they had never met you they wouldn't be here." Wes told me I started to cry.

"You...think I...wanted this....I told....them" I was now crying so much it was making wet spots on the bed.

"You don't deserve to be alive right now you should be dead." Joven spat at me. Sohinki looked at me walked over to me and ripped of the mask I used to breathe. I started to die but I didn't care.

"When they wake up tell them I said thank you and I love them." I said for once without having to stop.

After that I died. The monitor making a flat beep.

"Rot in hell bitch I will tell them what you said but for their sake only. "Mari spat at my corpse I thought it was over but Ian and Anthony woke up and Mari told them what I said. They were crying.

"I can't believe she's gone." Ian was crying then he smiled. "We finally don't have to deal with her ever again." Anthony was smiling but he wasn't crying like Ian. The image started to fade everyone happy and smiling all because I am dead.

~Nightmare Over~

I woke up with tears streaming down my face and sweat covering my body. I was still sitting at my desk. I saw my sketch book and phone and picked both of them up. I quickly drew the hospital room my bed and me in it. Covered in the burns and cuts. The monitor with a flat line on it. I then drew everyone with their backs to me and Ian and Anthony's beds with them in it their backs the only thing showing. I quickly wrote about the dream what had happened in it. I started to write lyrics for a song to. I checked the time it was 5 am when I woke up it as now 10 am.

"Hey Alli we are going to go out to breakfast want to come?" Ian asked. I nodded.

'Yeah just give me a minute." I quickly got ready. I put my hair off to the side and put on a black and white striped sweater and a skater skirt with leggings underneath. I grabbed my purse and put away my dream sketch book grabbed my phone and grabbed my regular sketch book. I got in the car as Anthony pulled out.

"Where should we go for breakfast?" Ian asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess we could go get donuts or something." Ian smiled at me.

"So donuts it is then." Anthony said pulling onto the highway.

I put my headphones in and started to listen to some of my songs I have written while drawing whatever. The car stopped and we quickly went inside since it was starting to rain.

"Alright just pick any donuts you want and add it to the order." Ian said pointing at a tablet thing on the counter. I quickly added a twist and a bear claw.

"I am done I will wait in the car for you guys." I said and walked out. After my dream I can't look at them the same. Is it true they don't want to keep me? Are they annoyed by me? I couldn't help but think it was true. I never had friends at school.

"Hey the guys called and said that they need us to record a game bang with them want to come with?" Anthony asked me I nodded.

"Sure why not? " I said though I think that my day will just get a whole lot worse. I couldn't look at Sohinki without seeing him kill me. I kept living through the dream. When I stopped I noticed we were now at the office time to go through hell. I got out of the car and started walking. When we got in I sat down at the desk I had set up there and started to draw again.

"Hey partner! What are you drawing?" Lasercorn came up from behind me scaring me.

"Don't scare me like that." I looked down at my drawing and saw I was drawing a person with wings with no face. It was a faceless angel.

"Well anyways we are doing another team game bang want to be my partner? I don't want to be stuck with Joven!" I laughed at his playfulness. He I could deal with today because he only cursed at me in the dream. Wes and Flitz didn't do anything but watch so I could deal with them to. Possibly Mari but Sohinki would be my main problem.

"Sure what are we playing?" Lasercorn grinned.

"Well were playing trouble in terrorist town. The game that we rule at." I smiled this game Lasercorn and I always won no matter what we have this in the bag.

"Lets go beat these noobs!" The whole time I was thinking that I would not be able to look at Sohinki this whole time. This was going to be the hardest game of my life.

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