Chapter 10

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~Alli's Pov~

Everything was back to normal for the most part. The only difference was that everyone was wary about driving now.

"Hey Alli what's up?" Ian asked as he came in.

"Nothing much why?" I asked him.

"Well Anthony and I were going to head over to the office want to come with?" Ian asked me.

"Sure." I said. I got up and got ready for the day and meet them out in the car. I really don't like being in a car after what happened but I guess it's either get in the car or walk.

~Time Skip~

When we got to the office I decided to make a video for my channel.

"Hey guys Alli here! Today I am playing some Until Dawn!" I said as I introduced my video. I heard someone behind me. I turned around and saw Lasercorn.

"Hey Alli what are you playing?" He asked me.

"Until Dawn. Want to play?" I asked him. Lasercorn shrugged.

"Why not?" He said. We played for about 20 minutes before I stopped recording.

"Well that's it for now! See you all in the next video!" I said and turned off the camera.

"Hey Alli lets go get some lunch." Lasercorn said.

"Sure lets see if anyone else wants to come." I said. We walked to the main filming room and asked them.

"Hey guys we are heading out to get some food want to come?" I asked.

"Sure lets go to Which Wich!" Joven said.

"Okay who wants to drive?" Mari said getting up from her desk.

"Not Joven." Lasercorn said.

"Hey!" Joven said I just laughed and grabbed a camera.

"I don't care who drives!" I said. We ended up letting Joven drive. I got into the front seat and Lasercorn, Mari, and Wes got in the back. We were going to get a sandwich for Flitz.

"Hey guys welcome to lunchtime with Smosh Games!" I said into the camera.

"Joven try not to kill us for once." Mari said from the backseat.

"Wait why does Alli get the front seat?" Lasercorn said.

"Because I got here first." I said.

"Joven do you want to explain why you have a mom car?" Wes said.

"It isn't a mom car!" Joven yelled. We all just laughed.

"#Joven'samom!" I said.

"No I'm not." Joven said.

"I don't care if he has a mom car I'm just confused on why they would give a blind beaver a licenses." Mari said. I laughed at her joke.

"Joven you just passed the restaurant!" Lasercorn said.

"God damit!" Joven said and backed up the car. We all laughed.

~Time Skip~

After filming lunchtime I decided to edit and upload my video I made with Lasercorn. It turned out pretty good. It seemed like everything was normal for once so I decided to check out the comments on the Grand Theft Smosh I was in. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Lotus86: Oh my god who let that fake bitch in?

SmoshL0ver: I wish Alli would just kill herself!

Lillypad82: They should've never adopted her! She is such and ugly fake whore!

Carley_Max: Ugh why would they adopt that fat ugly slut? They should've adopted anyone else! Go kill yourself Alli!

And those were the nicer ones. Any comment about me excluding a handful of them were all hate. I understood where they were coming from. I knew that I didn't deserve to be where I am. I deserve to me dead and with my sister. I looked around at the office the guys set up for me. I didn't deserve any of this.

"Hey Alli what are you doing?" Mari asked as she came in.

"Just reading some comments." I said quickly shoving down the tears that were in my eyes. I saw Mari walk over to my laptop and look at the comment page.

"Well I guess our fan base isn't as friendly as I thought." Mari said scrolling through the comments.

"Yeah well we can't do anything about it." I said acting like it didn't affect me but it did and it hurt that these people were right.

"Yeah I know. I just wish people would think before they write." Mari said and started to flag and delete the comments through the Smosh Games account.

"It isn't that big a deal as long as I ignore them thy should go away." I said. I knew they wouldn't I just needed to put on an act until Mari left.

"Yeah I guess your right. Well see you later!" Mari said and left my office. As soon as I didn't hear anyone outside I let the tears fall. I grabbed a guitar that I had in my office and picked it up and started to play. I guess I eventually stopped crying. I pulled out my sketch book and started to draw.

I guess I decided to draw a self portrait. I rarely looked in the mirror so I was surprised to remember what I looked like. The only thing I knew about how I looked is the fact that I had red hair. I just sat and stared at the drawing.

"This is where you disappeared to." I heard Ian say from behind me.

"Yeah just decided to take a break. What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing just wanted to see what you were doing. What's that?" Ian said and grabbed my sketch book.

"This is amazing. It looks almost like a photo." Ian said.

"I guess." I said.

"What do you mean by I guess? Don't you know what you look like?" Ian asked me. I looked down at my feet and hid my face.

"Alli I didn't mean it like that. I'm just surprised." Ian said.

"it's fine. I just don't like looking in the mirror a lot." I told him. I heard him sigh.

"Alright. Well how about we go find Anthony and head home." Ian said.

"Okay." I said I got up and grabbed my stuff and walked with Ian to the main room.

"Hey Ian. Hey Alli!" Anthony said.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Lets head home." Ian said. I followed them out to the car and got I and put on my headphones and played some music on the way home. Today was okay I guess.

~Ian's POV~

After we got in the car and Alli put on his headphones I started talking to Anthony.

"Alli isn't telling us something. I know she's hiding I just wish she would tell us." I told him.

"Well I guess she thinks she is still everything her parents called her. I just wish she would look at herself and see that she isn't what they say she is." Anthony said. I just sighed.

"She refuses to even look at herself Anthony. If you noticed she doesn't have any pictures of herself on her social media and she didn't even knew what she looked like when she drew a picture of herself." I told him. Anthony just sighed.

"Well as you said when we first adopted her we just have to wait." Anthony said.

"I guess your right." I said.


Well I finally updated! Sorry I have been doing a lot of things after school so I barely have a chance to write anymore. I do write as much as I can though and I apologize this update is long overdue. I am just really trying to put off the ending to this book I guess. I do have other stories that I have been writing so you won't go to long without any stories once I finish the 2 I am working on now including this one. I love you guys so much! Bye!

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