Chapter 11

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~Alli's POV~

I guess after what happened at the office I separated myself from a lot of things that involved people. I also did my best to stay of my YouTube unless I need to post. Every time I log on all I see is the hate comments. Though it started to die down. Maybe it will go away.

"Hey Alli is everything okay?" Ian asked me. I was sitting in the kitchen messing around with my food. I haven't eaten a lot since the accident.

"Yeah. Why you asking?" I asked him putting on a fake happy face. Though I really just wanted to burst into tears.

"Well you just seem distant. That's all. Anyways VidCon is coming up. Do you want to come with us?" Ian asked be. I just nodded.

"Sure why not? It will be my first time meeting the fans." I said. After the quick conversation I locked myself in my room again and just sat and laid down on my bed. I cried silently about having to go to VidCon all the haters are going to be there. They have gotten to me a lot recently. But I never reply. Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I said quickly wiping away my tears and hid the fact that I was crying and put a smile on my face and sat at my desk and pulled open YouTube.

"Hey Alli." Anthony said. He walked over and sat on my bed.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing just wanted to talk. Anything bothering you?" He asked me.

"No why?" I said.

"Well I looked at the comments on one of your videos and I saw all the hate." Anthony said. I almost sighed with relief.

"Oh yeah I've just been ignoring them. They are dyeing down I think they will go away soon." I told him. Anthony just nodded.

"Well I just wanted to make sure the comments weren't getting to you. Ian and I dealt with some hate and all. Just wanted to make sure." He said. I just nodded.

"Well anything else?" I asked him busying myself with my laptop hoping he would leave.

"Yeah just one more thing. Why have you been more distant lately?" Anthony asked me. There's the million dollar question.

"I don't know what your talking about. I guess I've been busy with my channel and all lately that I haven't gotten out much." I lied smoothly. Lets just say that I had to lie to my parents a lot to leave the house.

"Okay well if you get the chance Ian and I are heading to the office later if you want to come." Anthony said.

"Sure I have finished with everything I needed to do so why not?" I said. I guess I need to stop locking myself in my room so much.

"Alright pack a bag with pajamas because we're doing a sleep over special." Anthony said and left. After he left I grabbed a backpack from my closet and grabbed some clothes and shoved it in the backpack with my laptop custom Xbox remote and chargers for my phone and laptop.

"Alli time to go!" Ian shouted from the hallway. I zipped up my bag and got my regular bag and ran to the car.

"Ready." I said. For the first time this week I wasn't faking a smile. I was genuinely happy.

~Time Skip~

We walked into the office and everyone said hi like that hadn't seen me in weeks probably because they haven't. What it's not my fault I locked myself in my room! Actually it is but whatever.

"Hey look who's back from the dead!" Lasercorn said and gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"Well I never died so I didn't come back from the dead." I said. Everyone laughed.

"Whatever so did you bring you pajamas?" Joven asked.

"Yes mom I brought my clothes." I said. Everyone laughed again.

"I'm not a mom!" Jove said.

"#Jovensamom!" Mari said. I laughed and we started to get stuff set up.

"Guys some on we have something to show you." Ian said. We followed Ian and Anthony to the elevator.

"We had a space set up for the show. Come on." Anthony said and 0ressed a button that brought us up a couple of floors.

"Welcome to the sleepover special room!" Ian said and walked out of the elevator into a huge room with everything a person could ever want.

There were a few different doors that lead into a girl room and boys room. Same for the bathrooms to. It was amazing.

"This is awesome!" Mari said. Everyone was looking around and exploring.

"Well let's get ready you guys go get in your pajamas and meet back here." Anthony said. Luckily only Mari and I shared a bathroom being the only girls got done quickly.

"You guys are taking to long!" I yelled from the couch. I got up and went over to the kitchen area and grabbed a soda and sat back down. The guys started to come in one by one until they all were in the room.

"Finally!" Mari said.

"Whatever you guys didn't have to wait for long since there only two of you." Joven said.

"Well get the camera and let's start filming." I said. Wes got the camera and set it up to record.

~Time Skip~

We ended up playing a bunch of different video games and doing some YouTube challenges. We finished recording and we were watching a movie. Mari Sohinki Anthony and I were the only ones left awake.

"Guys I'm heading to bed." I said. They just nodded watching the movie. I walked into the room Mari and I were sharing and lied on the bed and started to drift of to sleep.

Today was the first good day I have had in weeks. It will probably also not me the last. Hopefully at least something always seems to happen.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. I really love you guys. I have some bad news though. I only have maybe 2 or 3 more chapters left in this book since I made the first chapter so long. Thank you for reading! Bye!

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