Chapter 8

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~Ian's Pov~

Alli hasn't woken up yet. Anthony and I never leave her side. She has to pull through.

"Ian it's gonna be okay give her time." Anthony told me. It should be me in that bed not her. I felt Anthony give me a hug but I couldn't move.

It has been 3 days since the accident but I miss her so much. Alli is more important to us then she knows. She's like our own little drop of sunshine.

"Ian I'm getting you something to eat just wait here." Anthony told me. I haven't left Alli's side for anything.  I won't leave her side until she is up and happy again.

~Anthony's Pov~

Ian is so sad. What he doesn't know is that I am to. Alli is our daughter. Shes David's Matt's Joshua's Noah's Flitz's Wes's and Keith's niece. Same for Mari Courtney and Olivia.

"Hey Anthony any news on Alli?" Josh asked me. I shook my head.

"No nothing new. Let's just go get lunch Ian needs to eat something." The guys were in the lobby to give Ian and I some alone time to talk.

Alli please wake up soon you don't know how much this affects all of us.

~Alli's Pov~

I looked around the room I was in. I saw Ian crying with his back to me. I walked over to him but saw something horrifying.

I was in a hospital bed covered in band aids and casts. It looked like I was dead. I looked at the calendar and it said it was 3 days after my birthday.

"I'm in another coma." I though aloud. Ian didn't hear me though I am just in my own head. I blinked and I was now in an entirely black space.

I am stuck here until I make my choice. I have been here before once. That was when I was in a coma after the incident ant the prison.

I could've chosen to die or to live. I chose to live with Ian and Anthony. But now I don't know. I knew my father and mother did this. Maybe if I die they'll be safer. But if I die they would fit some reason be sad and depressed.

"I need help to choose." I though aloud. I turned away from the white light and the image of the hospital room. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up and saw my sister.

"Carmine your here! How?" I asked her.

"You asked for help so I came to give it to you. You shouldn't leave the life you have now. You have a family." She told me.

"But if mom and dad find me again they'll try to hurt Ian and Anthony." o told her.

"Well the only way they'll find out is if they somehow reanimate from the dead. The court sentenced them to death for all of their crimes." Carmine told me.

"What about you? If I choose to live I'll never see you again!" I told her

"No you will see me when it's your time to join me. Now go be with your family. Remember I will always love you." Carmine said. She gave me a hug and dissapered.

"I love you to." I said. I walked over to the image of the hospital room and stepped back into my body. Time to fight to live.

~Ian's POV~

After we ate lunch we made a video for both of the channels.

"Hey guys we will be taking a break from YouTube for a while." I started.

"Alli Ian and I got into a car accident and we won't be able to make any videos for awhile." Anthony finished for me.

"Also us at smosh games have to have Alli since she us a part of the crew to film." Wes said.

"If you guys want to now where she is. Alli is in a coma right now. Don't worry the doctors say she will be up soon." Mari said.

"We will try to keep you guys updated on the situation. Thanks for understanding!" Joshua said. We ended the video and Wes took it to upload with David.

"Guys we are going to go get some stuff do you want us to grab anything?" Joshua asked. Mari and Sohinki got up with him.

"Just get us our chargers for our phones." I told them they nodded and left. It was just me and Anthony again. It has only been a day and I miss her like crazy.

"Don't worry Ian she'll wake up." Anthony to me.

"How do we now that? She has fought for here life twice now and has to do it a third time. She might not win this time." I told him. Anthony sat down next to me and gave me a hug. I broke down again in his arms.

"Don't worry. Alli will wake up soon. Just wait." I will wait forever. If I have to for her to wake up.

"Hey guys." Mari said. She came back in to the room and gave us our chargers and Alli's phone.

"Alli made something. In the description it says it was going to be a gift for us." Mari said. I unlocked her phone and saw a song tiled I wouldn't mind on her phone.

"Here goes nothing." I said. I played it and the sad tune played in the room. Alli's singing the song was helping me stop being as sad. After the song ended everyone was back.

"We should post this on Alli's channel and explain she won't be on." I said. Wes grabbed his laptop and grabbed Alli's phone and started working on it.

"Alli if you can hear us we miss you so much. We love you with all our hearts and can't wait till you wake up. We love you." I told her. Everyone got silent Wes then played the song again. We all got a text and it was a copy of the song.


So I tries the feature where it plays the music with certain text but if that doesn't work the video is with the chapter. Thank you guys for reading!  I love you all!  Bye!

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