Chapter 12

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~Alli's POV~

Everything was almost perfect again. The comments had practically stopped. I had been hanging out with everyone more. Life had just fixed it self.

"Alli move it! We're going to be late!" Ian yelled for me. I had been making trips to the orphanage for a while now and the guys cane with me a couple days ago and fell in love with Ruby.

"Coming!" I yelled back. The guys had decided to adopt Ruby. So we set up Ian's old room for her because Ian and Anthony shared a room now because they made it official! They are now dating! I wasn't surprised though. (Ruby's room in media)

"Alright let's go!" Anthony said and put the car in drive towards the orphanage. I guess everything is working out for me now. I guess that after this huge roller coaster of everything that has happened it will just be as normal as it can be.

~Time Skip Drive~

As soon as we pulled up to the orphanage I jumped out of the car and started walking towards the doors. I waited for Ian and Anthony at the doors before we walked in. Ian and Anthony went with the caretaker to fill out the paperwork and I went to find Ruby. I found her sitting in her room crying.

"Ruby what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked up at me with her eyes filled with tears.

"Someone is adopting me. That means you can't come see me anymore." Ruby said. I walked over to her bed and pulled her into a hug.

"That won't be a problem." I told her.

"Why?" She asked me.

"Well the people that adopted me are going to adopt you to." I told her. Ruby immediately sat up and looked at me with a smile on her face I don't think anyone could match.

"Really?" She asked me. I just nodded at her and she started to jump up and down.

"Come on we have to go downstairs." I said. I grabbed the two small suitcases by the door of the room and gave Ruby her backpack.

"Ruby you can come down now!" I heard the caretaker call up the stairs. We walked to the steps and I let Ruby go first so she could say goodbye to all of her friends.

"Alli you excited about having a sister again?" I heard Ian ask me quietly so no one heard.

"Yeah. I am." I said smiling. I looked over and saw Ruby hugging her friends. She started to walk towards Ian and I.

"Hey Alli!" Ruby said as she came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey Ruby. I want you to meet Ian him and Anthony adopted us." I told her. The look on Ruby's face told me she was confused.

"So there is no mom?" Ruby asked.

"Well no. But Mari and Sabrina, Ian's friends, are kind of like moms." I told her.

"Don't forget about Joven." Ian said. I started to laugh.

"What's funny?" Ruby asked me confused.

"I'll tell you later." I said. Anthony eventually came back from filling out the papers and we got to the house.

"Hey Alli show Ruby to her room. We'll grab her stuff." Anthony told be when we pulled in the driveway. I helped Ruby out of the car and showed her the room we set up for her. Ruby looked around with a smile on her face.

"I'm guessing you like it?" I asked her. She looked over at me and nodded.

"I love it!" She said and gave me a hug.

"Well we are going to head over to the office where you'll meet Mari and all of Ian and Anthony's other friends." I told her. I felt Ruby tense up for a second.

"Are they going to hurt us Alli?" She asked me. Ruby was brought to the orphanage after the police found out that her parents were beating her.

"No Ruby. Ian and Anthony would never hurt us. Neither will their friends." I told her. I heard the guys coming down the hallway so I went over to Ruby's closet so I could help put away her clothes.

"Okay here are your bags." Ian said handing Ruby the two suitcases. I helped her start to put some of the stuff away while the guys went to find the camera.

"Alli aren't they the guys from YouTube?' She asked me.

"Yeah they are." I told her. We used to watch some of the Smosh videos together. Though I had to make sure they wouldn't scare her for life.

"That's really cool!" Ruby said. I helped her put the last of her stuff away and we headed out to the living room and saw Ian and Anthony doing the intro for Lunchtime with Smosh.

"So there is another person here now! Who is it Anthony?" Ian asked him.

"It's our new daughter Ruby!" Anthony said and pointed the camera at us. Ruby just waved.

"So are we going to get food or what?" I asked them. They just laughed and we headed out to the car.

~Time Skip~

We pulled into the office parking garage and we're up at the office door now.

"Ready to meet everyone?" I asked Ruby. She nodded excitedly. I opened the door and everyone turned over to look at us.

"Okay to make sure I'm not crazy I am going to ask. Does anyone else see the kid other then Alli?" Joven asked.

"No Joven your not crazy. Do you ever read your email?" Mari asked him

"So I am guessing you're Ruby?" Sohinki asked. Ruby just nodded shyly.

"Okay so you guys adopted a second kid? Lasercorn doesn't even have one!" Wes said jokingly.

"I actually wanted to talk to you guys about that. We found out that Sabrina is pregnant." Lasercorn said. I helped Ruby settle in with everyone and started to explain how everything worked around here.

~Time Skip~

After we got home I realised how crazy the most 6 months have been. I got adopted by Smosh for god's sake! Life couldn't be better for me. I feel like this is the story line for a shirt fanfiction. Though I wouldn't give it up for anything.

I was adopted by Smosh and I love it.

The End?


So I know this wasn't the best story but it is my first one ever so bare with me. So something not related with the story is the fact that my phone auto-corrected Joven to Jovensamom so I died laughing. But back to the story.

I want to possibly do a sequel but from Ruby's POV. I want your guy's opinions on that. So let me know what you guys think Aldo if you want a follow up prologue chapter let me know! But until then thus story is completed! I love you guys so much for reading! Bye for now!

P. S. This chapter is up so late because I don't need sleep aka insomnia!

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