Chapter 4

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"Game Bang!" We all shout into the camera.

"Today we will be playing Trouble in Terrorist Town! The losing teams will be shot by the winning team with a paintball gun!"Jovenshire announced. This is going to be so much fun.

"So the teams are Allicorn Marhinki Ianthony and Flitzenshire Joven and Flitz]" Lasercorn said listing of the teams.

~Time skip to punishment~

"So Allicorn won the game bang meaning that everyone else gets pelted with paintballs!" Lasercorn shouted.

"Alli goes first." Wes said he showed me how to hold the gun and how to use it. Lasercorn and I agreed to shoot one person form each team. I chose Joven Ian and Mari. Joven went first.

"Alli please don't hurt me!" Joven begged. I laughed at him.

"No can do you might want to close your eyes though." Joven closed his eyes and I walked up and aimed and hit him in his crotch. I then shot him there 9 more times.

"Ian your up!" I called out and Ian stepped up worried. "Don't worry I won't shot you there I just felt like doing it for Joven." I lied I shot him in the exact same place and the same amount.

"Mari step up to the plate!" I made a deal with Mari she would take me to the movies to see The Gallows and I will turn down the pressure and only shoot her torso. I kept my end of the deal and did as she asked.

"Alright Lasercorn your turn!" After we finished with the Game Bang it was my turn to edit it with Sohinki.

"Alli are you okay seem on edge today?" He asked me.

"Oh I just woke up really early so I'm tired." He just nodded and we started to edit.

"You know you should start a channel." He told me I shrugged.

"I would I just have no idea what to call it." We had finished editing and were now thinking of a name for my channel.

"Hey guys why are you so quite?" Anthony asked.

"Well we are trying to think of a name for a channel for me. Do you have any ideas?" He though for a minute.

"Not off the top of my head. Ian and I are going to go film a video for the main channel do you want to come with?" Anthony asked.

"Sure why not just let me get my stuff I will meet you at the car." I head over to my desk and grab my coat and purse. I look at my sketch book and saw the drawing I was working on earlier.

"I guess I have an idea for a channel name." I said to my self. I had just looked at the faceless angel surrounded vy dark mist and hellish monsters. Nightmare Angel.

~Time skip to the shoot for the video~

"So what do you guys want me to do?" I asked Ian and Anthony.

"Well we are doing an every blank ever so we are trying to fill in the blank and brainstorming what we will do in the video." I just nodded and sat down at an empty desk the guys said I could use. I was just sitting in the chair on my phone when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hi I'm Noah and you are?" I turned around and saw a kid that looked about 18 or 19 years old with light brown hair and thick black rimmed glasses.

"I'm Alli it's nice to meet you Noah." I said.

"Oh your the infamous Alli Ian and Anthony talk about all the time." I nodded I didn't know they talked about me.

"Yeah I guess that's me what did they say about me?" I asked Noah.

"Well they would talk about how amazing you are and how much trouble you would get in all the time." I laughed.

"That sounds like me." I said we talked for a few more minutes until he had to leave to go help with thinking of ideas for the video.

I decided to go on vine and Just look through some vines hoping to get an idea for the video. I was watching random vines until I saw a vine by Thomas Sanders that was fairy tales in real life.

"that's a good idea for a video.  Every story ever." I thought I will tell the guys later and wrote it down in my notepad app.

"Hey Alli time to go." Ian said I nodded and walked to the car. I got o
In the back and looked down at my sketch book.

"I need to record the music for thw song I wrote this morning." I thought I decided to use guitar instead of piano this time.

~Time skip~

It was now really late. I had just finished recording the music for my song I had to do it quietly so that the guys wouldn't hear me.

"Hey Alli ready for thw movies?" Mari asked. She came in my room and sat on the bed.

"yeah I'll meet you outside just let me get my shoes." Mary nodded and left. We were going to the late night viewing of the gallows since we couldn't get any other tickets.

"Alright ready to go." I said as I stepped outside the house. The day went okay for what happened early this morning at least it didn't go to bad. We left for the movie and afterwards when we got back I just went to sleep.

Adopted by Smosh?!!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora