The Secret Life of Not The American Average

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I guess I should say a little bit about who I am. I'm Helena Mis Rae. My name's from the song "Helena" by Misfits (hints why my middle name is Mis) my mom was completely obsessed with the band ever since they came out. I literally listened to them in the womb.
I'm 17, I'm a Pisces and at times I can get pretty wild, mostly because I couldn't hate anything more than having a boring life. My inspiration would probably be Penny Lane from the movie "Almost Famous" and she taught me the most important thing ever "Act like nothing's serious when it comes to guys, that way you don't get hurt."
That's enough about me.
Me and my friend Hanna Beth are going to warped tour today. She tours with her boyfriend Mod Sun but I'm just going today with my own money at the Dallas tour date. I wish I could tour with a band!
You might be wondering why I know her, we've been best friends ever since I was like 13 and if it weren't for her I wouldn't love bands like I do today.

We basically live together every time she comes around Dallas and she'll be dropped off by the bus as soon as they can drive to my house.
It was about 6:30 in the morning since I like to wake up early the day of warped since I only get one day to go around and do everything.
I woke up curled my pretty short ombré light brown to blonde hair a bit, put on some bb cream, mascara, a little eyeshadow and my favorite matte lipstick. Oh, forgot, eyebrows of course lol. Then I put on some black ripped up jeans, boot shortish heels and a Motley Crüe shirt. I didn't really listen to old music a lot but I love the now a day bands. I just love the way old bands shirts look, way better. And lastly, my black hat I got from Hot Topic.

I look in the mirror "Maybe I shouldn't wear these heels, I hate being taller than all the band members." I think to myself. Fuck it, generic stereotypes suck, girls can be taller than the guy in a relationship. I'm 5'10 and I have dated two guys who were shorter than me.

But on the other side it might be hell on my feet. I take them off and put on black high top converse. And btw I can wear black jeans because I am a cold blooded reptile true fact also Hanna Beth has vip for all the bands we wanna see so we can watch from right behind the band on stage.

Oh shit, Han better almost be ready! I totally forgot to make sure she's awake..

I walk into the guest room which has a bigger bed than me and a bunch of her stuff all around it as if it's her room in her real house. She has a fucking dresser of clothes she likes to keep here.

"HANNA B WAKE THE FUCK UP U LITTLE CUNTOONIA!! DID YOU NOT SET YOUR ALARM?" I jump onto her with my body and then get my self up as I try to jump and "Fuck!" I fall after hitting my head on her fan ugh.
She finally sits up and laughed a little bit.
I grumpily get off her and tell her "Be ready in like point 2 seconds or ima jump you Han."
"Yeah how'd that work out last time you jumped me." She said with sarcasm and a death look, don't worry this is how we play.

I walked out to my kitchen. Yeah it's a little weird I have my own house at 17 but I've acted 20 since I was like 10 so yeah my parents agreed I was mature enough for it and they visit every once in a while.
I grab myself a bowl and put my honey nut Cheerios and silk milk in it, I'm vegan. Well unless I'm on my period then I eat whatever the heckadoodle I want to.

**** HOURS LATER****

Han's holding my hand walking in front of me being me to hangout with her boyfriend Mod Sun.

A couple minutes after them being all cute I realize I really want a boyfriend and kinda get jealous but don't show it of course. There was another girl there taking pictures of them.
" Hey Hanna B ( I always call her different nicknames) ima go get a drink of soda or something.
She was too busy looking into her boyfriends face seconds later covering it with her face to hear me its like she gets in another zone. I want that.

I end up meeting a bunch of cool people and in a bout and hour I get to go to a class taught by Chris Drew.
Oh shit, I look at my clock. Black Veil Brides starts in like 30 minutes I better go get a spot.
I go into the pit and by the time they go on I'm pretty close the the front on the left side but close to the middle. I'm not on the stage because Hanna has my ticket and she's.. Well.. Busy. I keep seeing Ashley look at me and I just smile.
Then he winks at me and my blood starts rushing I was pretty shocked.
I wonder if anyone else saw that..was that him flirting or? I have been told I look in my mid twenties.

About two songs in I realize I need to go to the Chris Drew class and I get the security guy to pull me out. I grab my bag the nice security guy was holding for me and I walk the direction one of the security guys lightly pushed me to, guiding me. Looking up I notice how close I am to Andy, he was so close I could poke him he was right in front of me above me on stage. My mom loves Black Veil Brides and would love if I did this, here goes nothing.

"Hey Andy!" I say nicely up to him pretty loud.
Andy does his clenched face at first where his jaw line and dimensions pop out as he quickly tried to look for the person who yelled to him and quickly his eyes locked with mine. I've never in my life seen eyes like that. They were like an ocean. I could get lost in them, and I guess I kind of did. We stared into each other smiling like dorks for a good five or six seconds in between his songs until a security guy was laughing and grabbed me basically telling me to walk out like I was supposed to.
Did we just have a moment or was that just a fan encounter. Not trying to sound like a psychopath fan who's in love with him but I know what a nice face is and I know what an I want you face is. I was so lost in his eyes I could barely remember which one it was.


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