Stuck With A Fuck

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The boys had just walked into the bus, all looking quite ashamed other than Andy.

A bunch of people tweeted me about what happened earlier during their set.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked Andy, approaching him.
He ignored me, looking down, and walked past me.

He can't get away with acting out like this. I wasn't even flirting with Chris! We're friends. And speaking about friends that's all me and Andy are anyways so I have no idea why he'd get like this. Andy never got this way about Juliet or at least not that I know of.

I have an idea.
I texted Chris and talked to the rest of the members.
"Hey Chris, come over to the bvb bus at 8 tonight(: the guys will be gone at some club. Just me and you(;"
I'm so smart.

It was 7:40 and I made all the guys leave. Except Andy. The rest of the guys were in on this so they're not coming back until I tell them.
When I see Chris walking down past all the tour bus' I get all excited because this plan is just so bomb haha.
Aw, he brought flowers. Andy will love them.
I smile even bigger, because I'm funny and that thought made me laugh a little.
"Hey cutie." Chris said opening one arm to give me a half hug.
"Hey." I said smiling big. I let him walk in front of me and right when he got in the bus I quickly closed the door that I made sure was locked.
And of course, I had the key. And all the windows on the bus are way too small for them to even put their whole leg through.
I can hear Chris bang on the door a bit after I closed it and the sound of the knob from the inside wobble but I took out the part that lets them unlock it from the inside. It took me a good hour just to do that earlier. But it's worth it, these dudes better learn to get along. They have all night since tomorrow they have a day off and the bus isn't going anywhere.


What the hell is all that banging? I've been in my bunk to be away from all the guys or Helena trying to talk to me about today.
I got up and got out of the top bunk after taking the computer off my stomach. I was watching daredevil.
This better be good, it's one of my favorite episodes.

There he was. Christofer Fucking Drew. The guy I nearly tried to beat up earlier and gladly would've.
"Get the fuck out. Now." I told him. Where is everyone else?

"Look dude, I didn't want this to happen, Lena invited me over for something completely different than this. She told me you guys would be gone. She used a freaking winky emoji." He said looking down at the flowers.
He called her Lena. That's my name for her.
He's not even wearing shoes, how can I like this guy? First he publicly tried to make one of my closest friends look like a fool on his own YouTube channel then he flirts with the one person who's made me feel anything in years.

It's been about an hour and I guess I've been warming up to Chris a little bit. He explained to me how he asked Lena about me and she's the one who said we were just friends. She friend zoned me. But not even to my face.
Why is she able to do this to me? I guess I was asking for stuff like this when I fell for a bad girl. She warned me.

But I can't help it, even though she's probably bad for me I can't help but want her even more. She's interesting and I love that.

"But why were you such a dick to Bryan?" I asked him. I laughed a little, probably from the alcohol we were drinking. "Did you see me make fun of you in one of my interviews. Pretty funny." I said.

"Yeah, I don't know man I wasn't in a good place at the time. I was looking up to a guy who's an ass to all interviewers but now I've learned to love everyone. I mean, he did nothing to me and I was a jack ass, it tore me up for a bit but we made up. It doesn't make how I acted okay though." He replied.
I admit, I felt kind of bad for him, again, probably just the alcohol but I do.
I put my hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay, I feel you man."

He looked down at my hand with a strange face which made me look confused. Then he looked into my eyes, and then... my lips?? Was this dude abou-
He pushed his lips on mine.

"Woah dude!" I jumped back from the kiss shocked. What the hell just happened. "I'm not gay."
I said kind of angry.

"Neither am I," he said with a slight smile like he's trying to make me feel better. "I'm bi." He finished.

"Well I'm straight!" I said standing up and taking the margarita with me. I walked back to my bunk and tried to forget the disgusting lips that were just on mine.
It's not like gay's disgusting. I'm in a lgbt program with my g-
My ex.
But him? Chris Drew? And me!? I want to puke.
I just can't wait to get him off this bus. I want to run out and find Helena right now just to kiss her and remember what a good kiss is like again.

I feel scarred for life.


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