The Truth

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It's been two weeks of me living in the big house with Ashley and CC.

Just like I told Andy, nothing has happened. But we have already had a 'welcome back' party which had a bunch of band members. All the guys were here except Andy that has been ignoring me.
The whole
It's been fucking hell but I don't really want him to know I feel that way still. But I've missed him so much. Every time I even see the guys I think of him. Every time I see anything I think of him.

And he finally texted me this morning.
He told me he's coming over tonight to talk to me.
Probably going to apologize and honestly I don't know what I'll say.

I really want to be with him. Like I've never wanted to be with a guy this much before I've found myself watching some of his most recent interviews just to see his smile.
And oh my god. That smile.

CC almost walked in on me watching Chance and Andy yesterday. That would've been a little awkward.

This is crazy. I need to stop thinking about him non stop.
All two weeks I've been trying to distract myself but it barely ever work if ever.
I picked up my phone and tried to do things that wouldn't remind me of him.

I picked up my headphones and put the end in my phone, the earbuds in my ears and put on some Forever The Sickest Kids and All Time Low in a playlist I made on spotify.

I played it pretty loud until I got bored and hungry and hopped off my bed, turning off my music, to go see the guys. They're always either down stairs or with a girl. Or at least Ashley is. CC has a kind of on the down low girlfriend right now but not to the point where he goes out to fancy dinners yet or really even bring her over often at all.


I can't stop thinking about Lena. Just the thought of her haunts my dreams every night.
But after tonight I don't think she'll want anything to do with me for a lot longer than the two weeks I've been going crazy about her for.

I don't even want to tell her but I've held it back for so long she's already going to hate me so I need to get it out now.

I've been drinking lately.

I was actually very under substances last night when I told Lena I need to talk to her tonight.

Oh shit I forgot I should probably head over there now.

I walked up to the house and was about to knock but knowing them I grabbed the door and opened it. Someone must've forgotten to lock the door of course.

I walked in and saw CC on the couch and Helena in the kitchen with a finger in Nutella. God damn how is she still adorable she has chocolate on her face for god sake.

I tried to keep cool and walked up to the kitchen where she was after shutting the front door behind me. CC didn't even notice I was there he was so stuck into watching Criminal Minds.

Helena looked over to me and we made eye contact for a couple seconds while she looked as shocked as ever. I guess she didn't expect me over right now. To be fair I didn't give any warning. I was too busy thinking about what's going to happen after I tell her.

"W-what the fuck are you doing here?" She said smiling as she didn't make eye contact anymore. She was too busy trying to kick off all the Nutella and putting the lid back on and hopping off the island in the kitchen.

"Well it is," I pulled out my phone real quick to check the time then put it back in my pocket "6:54" I continued, "and one may think that's considered night time." Referring to when I said I'm coming over tonight.

She just laughed a little at that. Oh god I'm gonna miss her laugh but I probably won't hear it for a while. I mean it's understandable if she does cut me off her besties list because of this.

"Look, u-um, I gotta tell you something." I started. "Can we go somewhere more private and talk?" I asked walking closer to her, by the pantry.

"Yeah, yeah of course." She started to look really, really worried. Well here it goes.

She took my hand and walked me up stairs into her room. I walked in seeing her light blue room looking pretty bright and Tumblr for a girl like her who's room I'd expect to be grunge.

She closed the door behind me and walked me to sit down on her white bed. God this thing is soft.
Oh no Andy don't you dare have bad thoughts in a moment like this.

"S-so what's up?" She asked looking into my eyes and me; into hers. They where hazel and change color from a hazel blue, to yellow ish and even to brown and green. I loved her eyes. And I could tell she was nervous for what I had to say by me looking into them, and by the way she stuttered.

"Well I have bad news and good news." I said. "I'll tell you the good news first." I said before she could choose which one she wanted to hear first.

"Well I haven't told you this but Juliet kicked me out after warped, before I could even get most of my stuff. And I told her I could've kicked her out just as much as she kicking me out and tried to reason with her a bit but she threatened to take me to court and I didn't think that was necessary so I just left. I've been sleeping on friends couches and now, I confirmed with the boys. I'm gonna be moving in!" I said trying to give off excitement but I couldn't be too happy because of the bad news.

"Andy that's great." She said, just like me, still worried for what's about to come. But she hugged me tight for a brief period then looked at me again with the look of go on.

"So the bad news.." I started and every breath felt like daggers just to get out.

"Well remember the first night we met?" I asked and she nodded in agreement.

I continued. "Well remember how you were overcome with way too much alcohol?" And she nodded again. Unlike her I've learned to expertly take in alcohol without getting drunk to where I can't remember what I did.

"Well that night.." The daggers were now like trucks hitting my stomach even thinking about the rage she's about to have at me for never telling her or even doing it in the first place.

"Lena, we had sex."



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